Richer clan structure

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Moose2, Oct 9, 2013.

  1. Hello KaW! I'd like to hold a jam session in regards to getting a richer clan structure. Its been run past the community several times, and has received broad support. I would, again, ask for community input I this idea, as I think it has great potential.

    Offering more roles in a clan offers players something to strive for. There would be more of a ladder to climb for clan members, and offering more roles puts more control in the hands of the gaming population, which is Always a win. Here is what is like to see for new clan roles.

    Guests are people who are just stopping by for a visit. Having this designation shows others in the community that player "x" is not a protected member of a clan. Owners can use the guest slot to trial potential new members.


    This is obvious And needs no explanation.


    The admin can let people into the clan, and can change titles for members and guests. They can start EBs but may not forfeit them.


    Can do everything a regular admin can do, PLUS, kick members, give titles to admins, forfeit EBs, start wars, edit the clan information page, and silence any member of lower rank than him/her. All silences apply only to cc and are not held on a players official record. Silences last 12 hours (or what ever duration you think works) and are automatically lifted if the silenced person leaves the clan.


    Can do everything a senior admin can do, PLUS, lift silences. Co owner cannot disband a clan.


    Can do everything including disbanding a clan. Owner may leave clan and retain ownership, but can only be a guest at what ever clan he/she is visiting.

    Having these levels of Control offers clan owners more protection, because they can trial new admins out by offering them limited responsibilities with out risking the clan. It also gives players something to strive for.

    As for the silences, this is an Important tool to offer players, and for several reasons. Offering senior admins and above the ability to silence in cc would, in effect, give thousands of people a chance at "moderating" in a way that doesn't risk the game. It also gives owners and senior admins a way to manage players with out being forced to boot them. Offering people options like this is a real winner.

    As for offering Unique colours to people of higher offices, this would be done to show them respect and offer them a little bit of social status for all the hard work they have put into the clan. If you have positions with UNIQUE colours in cc, people will clamour for them.

    Anyhow, that's my proposal. I would love to see these things set into motion. Many in your player base would utslize these things to their maximum potential. So, please, to all who read this, please share your insight, ideas and opinions on this. Thanks for taking the time to pause and reflect on my ideas, and, as always,

  2. bumping to "ideas, featured requests forum"
  3. Notice the date, moose knew this was coming and must've kept it in the GY. Clever, but I still claim my spot at first in the section. :lol: Anyways, I support this just like the older thread.
  4. We also want to give special military titles, which may or may not hold special perks. But this is still in the ideation stage.
  5. Being in the military myself i absolutely love that idea, even if it doesnt give any perks. Hope it makes its way into the game
  6. Interesting, I know that it's just an idea, but will this title be on your profile like a clan title or will it be something in your kingdom/marketplace?
  7. current design/idea is for 'profile like a clan title'.
  8. Love the ideas Moose suggested as well as KAW Admin's idea of military type ranks.

    The silencing in cc is very much a benefit to the KAWmunity.

    I would like for admins to have the ability, during wave of conflict casting notifications, to be able to click "view" button and be directed to that specific member that cast wave instead of the clan page.

    Also, clan owners should be able to reward a clan member each week ... ie, gift a clan member a crystal, some items, 1 mith, etc. once a week so it's not abused. Helps promote community spirit.
  9. This other game I played before had these roles:
    1. No rights- This was like your average member. Not allowed to do anything special.
    2. Mass mail- Gives the player the ability to message multiple people at once(creates something like clan chat inside of pm).
    3. Diplomacy- In this game you were able to officially declare war, announce friendship/alliance, and denounce other clans. I know people have been wanting this 'official alliance' thing for a while now.
    4. Dismiss player- Allows them to kick other players from the clan.
    5. Change roles- Makes them able to change the roles of others except the owner.
    6. Disband clan- Let's them disband the clan, obviously.
    7. Invite player- Like GaW, it allows the person to invite them to them clan and accept people who applied.

    I guess a combo of these things will reflect upon your ideas of different roles. Just adding to the amount of roles you could have.
  10. Support but just a thought about the unique colors for the clan roles, there needs to be a program that shuts down this color when going into a war. So that the war commander and tracker are the only colored members, otherwise ppl will have problems in war following the wrong orders and such

    Support moose
  11. I will say to add on to this -

    A drop down Announcement Bar would be nice to have. The senior admin admin owner co owner can all post in this. It will be sectioned out by owner co-owner, Senior Admins, Admins. Each with there own bar to view certain announcements. It would also be helpful to view who said it and when.
  12. I would also like to see a customization for auto kicking. Auto kicking would pertain to days inactive and/or role as per OP. there would also be an edit button on the member list available to owner/permissible member which gives the ability to select any amount of users and give the option to: kick selected users, move them to a specific group, silence, Etc..

    Another idea is permissions customization. (Self explanatory)
  13. The owner and co owner can make a *kaw eb playlist* where the they can set certain ebs playing through the night or day if they have a certain schedule or if no admin is on
  14. this would be a great asset to clan owners. The ability of co-owner, the different type of admin structures and the ability to mass message all/some people in clan would be a fantastic innovation to this game. Top this off with a loyalty reward for stating in the clan for long periods of time might just be the kind of thing to keep people interested in this ever changing game. Had a few of my long term Kawers tell me that their Kaw days are drawing to an end as the game has become boring. Ebs don't promote any need to to chat in cc these days so something that requires people to talk during ebs would be appreciated also. Going back to the loyalty reward, needs to be based on actions as well as time to ensure people stay active and not just inactives in clan. This would make it easier for senior admins to work out who to get rid of.
  15. wow, i think this feature would become really handy, or hoofy lol. this could benefit the war clans as well because since each of those spots have a unique color, they can use that to tell who in the clan to listen to during the wars because they will be calling out targets and stuff...

    so... I SUPPORT
  17. I think it's a great idea. I would like to add a suggestion. Think the owner should get notifications on things admins do such as accepting members in to clan. I say this as clans have min cs limit and some admins do not stick to it. This would then help owner manage admins better in my opinion.
  18. Their should be a limit to the amount of clan hoping that someone can do per day or per 24hr period
  19. I very much like this idea and support. KAW needs to make adjustments to clan responsibilities. This would help with clan loyalty, also a subject being floated in forums ATM. Being former military myself, I agree that rank is a large part of what KAW could implement and show status of activity and devotion to a clan. Nice thread Moose