Hi Killzone, Many thanks for setting this thread up; I wasn't previously aware of this! Could you please link my idea thread for increasing the amount of gold received when hired viewtopic.php?f=18&t=179715 To go under Ally Updates The reception was over-whelmingly positive and the proposals are simple parameter changes, easy to implement. Yet seemingly no developer interest.
I want to suggest the removal of purchase limit of mithrils. This would help new players have some mithril-purchased equipments while growing and would encourage growth by not being sidetracked by drop builds. Since old mith-purchased equipments are outdated compared to equipment rewards from event, it would be beneficial to starting players. To low cs players, equipments have good use compared to nothing. No new player/account would like to participate in ll wars because it has become a bfa & bfe contest. I mean, what harm can it do if a player wants to purchase a million mithrils? It's not tradeable. :roll:
Interesting, but what about creating different bars more than just mithril and you need let's say adamantite bars in regular EE wars used to earn the higher tier equipment. That way the outdated items would require instead mithril to buy for new players? Kind of a random thought but obviously buying a ton of mithril would be difficult for new players either way, not sure this would work. Kind of just rolling with the idea so it can become a more expanded thought.
Gold income buildings that provide only small amounts, so are only useful over time. Provide no stats and work the way they do on Smash.
Should rename thread to update requests that will never be acknowledged nor implemented by the devs. Side note, hey kz
Another Ambushesque EB would be nice but at a higher tier - Ambush paid like an upper T4 EB but could be hit by pretty much anybody (for the main bar, 90% of the EB) - and was heavily activity based as opposed to strength based. It was great for clans with a large stat range of kingdoms as smaller players were nearly as valuable as large ones for it (carrying their weight and actually able to hit) and larger players didn't take a huge income hit on it either. Personally, I loved Ambush running in training clans because of this - large players (who know the game) could visit and talk to and teach smaller ones (generally newer players) without the income hit normally attributed to sitting in subs. Small players have tons to gain from these guys, and this allows socializing to occur that might otherwise be segregated by stats.
Put some RNG in this game Daily log-in, spin-and-win section in the marketplace. Suggested rewards: pots, bronze bars, aqua, inferno, 1-5 mithril, eq from low-tier to mid-tier eb and 1 very rare item each month. Volley for lottery ticket. Mechanics: Dev_creative team gives a 3-digit number per week. To win, players must volley someone new to the game (must have a "new" spell in the profile). If the hire value reaches to a point where the 3-digit ending numbers of which corresponds to the dev_creative team as the number of the day, the volleying player wins a price.
My idea is that as soon as u join the game it should tell u to join a clan and give u a few brand new clans to join. This helps the new players and the people making the clans. Also u should not have a choice. Like u have to click join to finish the tutorial
A potential war addition (most useful with LL): Allow modifications to buildings (definitely not all, a certain amount tbd) after the matchup is made - whether this is by a spell or extra storage lands is tbd - allows each side to react to the build and roster of the other. I'm against a super spy heavy clan? Maybe this attack building is better as an sdt..and so on.
Show the cost of building upgrades on the land map. That would prevent needing to click on every building to see if you can afford upgrade. Put a mark on each land indicating it is build complete.... Ok I have memory problem.
How about and audio and UI update? These sound files/animations and the UI of KaW are needing some revamping or replacement!
Ok I sent an idea to Feedback a few weeks ago about our equipment. I would like to actually see how our equipment looks on a 2d/3d model. Devs said 3d wouldn't work because lots of players are using old/outdated phones/os. Im just curious how the assortment of equipped gear actually looks on a character. Not sure if this is a legit request, or just an interesting concept. Either way, it could be fun to outfit our character and compare our equipped outfits to others. Idk. Just an idea. Happy KaWing.