pet eb

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Il_Teseu_ll, Jun 9, 2016.

  1. We want maybe pets, here the sugest:

    A pet eb were you randomly get a pet.
    A fire, aqua, stone, or air pet.

    You only can get 1 pet.

    If you want a other you have to kill your pet, and wait a new drop.

    The pet is like a banner and gives you thome bonusses: like atk , def, spy, plunder.

    The pet growes with your aktions.
    At some point you can ugrade the pet.
    Each pet has 2 pathes to grow.
    Pets looking good.

    Easy way implament and fun.

    Sorry for my english greez
  2. Sounds like fun and not too hard to implement I imagine

  3. Yeah this isnt pokemon lets not
  4. What if you want to catch them all though?
  5. How about making Snoopy the head of ATA? That'd be great.
  6. I'd prefer Snoopy to evolve into Snoop lion if we're being honest here..
  7. I want a fire wombat
  8. I'm down wit da Snoop lion....FO SHEEZY ma dizzle!!!
  9. Maybe the pet eats yur plunder a bit
  10. I want a jorathe or moutos 
  11. Kill ur pet? Who would do such a thing
  12. I have a better idea...

    Kingdoms at SMASH
  13. The machines prefer maybe the air unicorn pet.
  14. Make a pet out of your clanny.
  15. Will they be registered emotional support pets? Will I have to feed it to keep it alive?
    Can I keep it outdoors?
    Will it drown if I keep it in abys?
    Can I get a penguin for HF land?
    Will pandas be available or are they also endangered animals in kaw virtual world?
  16. I like this
  17. How about no.
  18. Best thing devs could play with and surprise cummunity, after land completed.
  19. I went 1 but I cent aferd 1