RULES: [*]If you post your idea for an update on here, but you have a thread... please let me know and I will link your thread under the heading. [*]If the majority of the Kawmmunity agrees your idea will not work, it will be assumed so [*]Also if the above happens and you're idea is listed as such, its only so others do not suggest it [*]Don't harrass or bully someone for their idea, please use Constructive Criticism [*]There is no need to broaden your idea if you cannot, the hope is that even just you mentioning it, that others will help you with the details [*]If one of your ideas is wrongly listed, please contact me [*]Please keep this serious, trolls will be asked to leave immediately, any trolling is off topic. [*]Have fun, be creative, lets get our voices heard! Key: Suggestion would not work or Currently Denied by Kawmunity Implemented by ATA Possibly being implemented or in the works ATA has responded postively ATA Response=Negative Additional information Member who Suggested Idea w/link to profile Featured Threads: Proposal for different clan structure #2 by Kezzer is a concise representation of the kawmmunity's desires for their clan structure. Kezzer has taken the time to make sure he/she looks over the kawmmunitys pros and cons about the newly added clan structure. Kezzer frequently responds to any "critiques" and will answer any questions about the proposal. Amazing job Kezzer, and constant support to all your hard work to make KaW a better place. Improving the new player experience: more gold when hired) by Kapitalist is a much needed addition for the expansion of KaW. Kapitalist describes different tactics that can be implemented for new players growth. He/She as well as other players in the kawmmunity agree that new players are NOT receiving enough money or help to grow and continue the game. Although lands are unlocked for free, players still struggle to gain the funds to build on these lands, especially with barely any new player clans running eb's for them. Helping the new players helps the whole kawmmunity, the focus should be on creating a game anyone can jump into and actually grow and get somewhere. 10% Tax while Buying Allies -_--__---__l_Shadow_I_---__-- **Tax is taken out the game, helps with inflation** Confirm Button When Hiring -Suggested by Kawmmunity Alliance Strength -Corinthian Zelgarad Update(For Next Release) -XxXbatdogXxX New Epic: Siege Of The Castle -sean893 Higher Xtal Usage-LSoH_TherisHugeSword No EBs One Day Every Month-ISS_CynderStryke_ISS Make ZTA the new HTE *Kawmmunity is split on this idea-ImmortalFaZe Make a Pet EbTheo.....* Make HTE Longer -Suggested by Kawmmunity Promo on 6/17/2016 Added a Bar to HTE/Clan doesn't need to kill it Revamp Epic Battle Clan Events ie; add filter for Start time and Specific EB-Kristell Ambushesque EB(Pg.15 Post 8)-Sholron New Match Up Formula/System -HTLFreak Player W/Highest Rank During Week=Rewarded -__________iProdigy___________ Rewards for Tracker/WC --PlunderMax- Build Wars - -Narwhal EE Plunder Bonus=HTE -_____Frog____o_0 Greater Punishment for Inactives ie;Broken Sword=3 Weeks -Silph EE level 1 Takes 2 War Losses to Lose -HEAVENS_HAMMER Inactive's Reward Change -Vadue Simple Ideas for S6 -War_White-Kodiak Allow Modifications to buildings(Pg 16. Post 4)-Sholron Steals=Ally Plunder Bonus-Skyrim- res Castle Upgrade --xFx_Jumb0Shr1mp_xFx- res Lower Enchantment Cost -Ezio_Connor_Edward_Arno No Enchant Fails -ThunderingSky Spell that Hides Stats -Lavathan Quest drop & Tutorial Revamp --Sweet-n-Sauer- Add quests -Suggested by Kawmmunity Spy Quests -Suggested by Kawmmunity Convert Unneeded Event Items -N_C_U-Pookie 100 Day PvP Event -sean893 Great War(SS Based) -Nathan_WINNING "King of Four Kingdoms" Event -Kezzer Daily Events -CharIie Return PvP Only Event -APOLL0 Mod vs VK War --Cow Reward Ideas -Avaritia Betting -Suggested by Kawmmunity Team Coin Crusades again -Killzone Interactive Events(Pg 12. Post 5) -_ncQgn_tQ-- Create An Event Contest -LSoH_TheBone Kaw Lottery (RNG :O!) and Daily Spins-13Om13 Richer Clan Structure-Moose Rework Of Moose's Richer Clan Structure--Scipio_Africanus- Clan Mass Message -LoTW Clan Loyalty -Killzone Clan Banks -Radagast Activity Tracker for Owner/Admins own Clan -Radagast Clan Structure -Sethosaurus_ Notification of Which Admin Accepted a Player -HEAVENS_HAMMER PVP Opt'd=Orange on CR -_-xDA-HeLioSuRGe-RAx-_ Clan Rank&Funding -Anonymous__Sharp Clan Loyalty -Kronos Clan Finder --Chance- GaW Clan Feature -Dashed Admins upon rejoin automatically reinstated -Lady-Ballor Clan Buildings/City -s0LiD_VaP0uR Changeable Clan Names-Brandan Clan Banner-Alpha Starter Clan Ran by Mods/Bots-DreadedCalls Toggleable Notice of Which Admin Changes CA-BLAZE Clan Champions -C0ML3Y Allow Recruits To Change TitlesRedKangaroo New Player Clan Suggestions-Lord_skittles LB Rank Shows 10k+ -DN_Kassio Strips Leaderboard -Swabia Bookmark Threads -ZomBKing Like/Dislike Threads -9TailedFox Toggle Chats on/off -DeakyTheThug Ad only chat -Suggested by Kawmmunity Ability to make Private Group Chats -Suggested by Kawmmunity Unlimited Speakers -Sweet_Pineapple Only see CC during War -Queen-OnThe-Battlefield KaW Emoji -Jackson Clans Can SW for Higher Rewards Every So Often -Radagast res Exchange Old EQ for Aqua/Inferno --iE_HawKeYe_iE- Infusing Equipment to make stronger EQ -idontevenwar Enchant Hive Rings with Aqua/Inferno -_xXAoCXx_TIMMY_xXAoCXx_ Kaw Black Market -Moody Plunder Bonus via eq -Suggested by Kawmmunity Equipment Profiles/Easy Swaps -_-xDA-HeLioSuRGe-RAx-_ Rare Legendary EQ Dropped from EBs --xFx_Jumb0Shr1mp_xFx- Level 3-4 Banner(Last Post) --Sweet-n-Sauer- Salvaging/Combining EQ --QuEeN-_-MiTe Lvl 10 EQ Can upgrade to another Tiers --_RedBaron_- 2D/3D View of Equipment-Static res res Music and Sound -Suggested By Kawmmunity Copy "CA" -Raspberry Aqua & Inferno Displayed on Profile-naohra Blocked Player List--grizzy- Scouts show opponent land like Android -Suggested By Kawmmunity res Scouts show opponent land like Android -Suggested By Kawmmunity Order Friends List on PM w/Unread at the Top -Imitation-Cheese Arrange & Hide Achievements -DeIta Allow Admins to kick/title on Profile -_-xDA-HeLioSuRGe-RAx-_ Avatars to wear EQ --_RedBaron_- Xtal Tracker -DinduNuffinTribe Black Friday/Holiday Crux chest and Oracle Sales --_RedBaron_- Bonus Plunder % along with Xtal -RaidenKL Split Xtals -Suggested by Kawmmunity War Xtals (Only Avail. Thread) -cheezeplz Price Cuts -Sick Skills Remove Fake Free Nobs Petition-suptis2 Beta for All -Littlemnlt Activity Rewards ---Intellect-- Fulltime Kaw_admin/AtA to Communicate w/Kawmmunity -GoldenApple Add Golden Border to LB Tier Achievements -commanderj Decrease the range/gap of the Battle List -Shambaal When Going back To Scrolling LB after Clicking a Profile, you're right where you were --IA-CrazyRuggy Feedback Polls --IA-CrazyRuggy Audio and UI Update-Blueberry Show The Cost of build upgrades on the land map-Pattus
Thread Start Date:10/16/2015 CURRENTLY BEING WORKED ON AND REVAMPED, FEEL FREE TO START GIVING IDEAS ie; I'm still adding decent threads already suggested in the request forum/section I had some family emergencies and issues which hit my activity hard, I am Looking to keep this thread going once again now that everything is hopefully going well. IF POSSIBLE PLEASE FEEL FREE TO HELP ME GO THROUGH THE IDEA/REQUEST FORUM SECTION IF YOU FIND ANY DECENT IDEAS LMK BY FOLLOWING<3 LINKS TO PLAYER PROFILES Status:ON IN THE PROCESS: Battle List/PVP & Achievement Section LAST UPDATED: 11/13/2016 7:57AM EST Special Thanks to DN_Kassio for mentioning this thread time and time again, you gave me the motivation to return this!
Glad to see that you made a new thread, I remember the old ones as excellent material. Well done, Killzone! PS: could you add the request for expanding the LB over the actual 10k limit of today?
thank you I will add this in a moment, can you please remove the image from here and add it to your thread?
Thank you Narwhal, also added in blue. I count even support as a positive response to the start of an idea
I wish they would sell gold crux chest again. Or sell seal of the damned at 50% like they did 4 xmass and black friday.
Thank you everyone for your support! I shall continue revamping this tomorrow, just wanted to post this now so everyone can't start posting. If your thread or idea hasnt been added yet, it will be soon or your thread simply didn't make the cut.
The clan updates have been on their way for like two years, it'll never happen the developers are too concerned with their money grab.
This is a good thread... Its thought out, yet many interesting ideas I've seen in the past are missing. Too be expected though, can't be superman and get everything lol