Two different proposals to fix ee wars. June '14

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by sheepocalypse, Jun 10, 2014.

  1. First the problem:
    Exploit clans are killing ee. Lots of good warriors from prior seasons have thrown in the towel because matching exploit clans are auto-losses from the start.

    What's an exploit clan you ask (All ps's with 2-3 big LB's. Heavy LB clans with some small low plunder accounts). Basically an exploit clan is one that pairs players too big to hit with accounts that provide little to no plunder. I don't blame the participants of those clans. I blame ATA for not coming up with a solution.

    Individual wars are a step in the right direction. They allow anyone to cast. But they chip away at the clan structure. When you go to war you want to go to war with your clan-mates. That said, the matching system is so broken that many clan mates have given up on regular ee and will only do individual now.

    Problems laid out. Here comes my proposal:


    1) A hybrid individual/ee war. Cast for war in 8-10 man platoons. Combine 2-3 platoons to make an army.

    Go ahead and cast a PS with 2-3 LB platoon roster. We'll pair you with an all att build roster and a sh roster. Then we'll take the all LB roster and pair them with two noob mixed rosters. A war like that could be fun as opposed to the matchups currently happening.

    The only exploit I can see that could still work in this system is stacking all big LB's. If that happens split the platoon and drop half in 2 different armies. Wait! My Clan can't hit My Clan! They'll still have plenty of targets.

    This would allow you to war with some clan mates. So well run clans would still be able to roster difference makers. Surely not in all situations but this is war. You win some. You lose some. A few clans shouldn't always win because the devs don't want to upset those who spend the most money.

    Much like the individual wars this would bring lots of different builds into ee while softening if not outright nullifying the most common exploit.

    2) Leave the current structure in place but cap BFA during ee.

    If BFA was capped at 150 or 200 mil cs it would flatten the LB's effect in ee while stll allowing them an edge. Then you could actually use BFA as a factor when determining match ups.

    LB's would be forced to look at their builds. Many LB's wouldn't be allowed to war in a good clan with so few attack defensive towers. The PS/LB roster would be plunderable by a standard att roster with 3-4 SH's.

    EE is not OSW. Pretending it is will only kill it.

    Well those were my two ideas to throw into the mix. Have at it.
  2. No support, but at least you are trying to contribute.
  3. Please don't post star scream
  4. nice try i guess. at least youve come up with something :p
  5. I like the platoon sign up idea. Suport
  6. At least you come up with something. But I dont agree with you on two points:
    one: ps-lb roster is not an exploit. Dump troops on lb (all fails) and steal ko ps. Easy enough countered.
    Two: it's not ATA's mistake people always want to have the advantage over other people. I'd say search for solutions from people, not ATA since it's all a player-created exploit.

    I don't really have my 'great grammar' day.

    Jav out