Whats your post count?

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Moose2, Oct 16, 2013.

  1. Hello forum! I am putting this out for public discussion. If its popular, I'll move it to the featured ideas forum and see where it goes.

    I've seen threads with the title "post count check" or, "what's your post count" pop up on the active topics board. Every time someone on a PC makes a thread like this is gets massive hits. I once let one run for a day and it got over 100 pages.

    Now, in the interest of keeping a clean AT board, I need to lock these types of threads, as they are considered to be "post farming".

    Still, the community response to threads like this tells me that most forumers wish to know their post counts. They are curious. Although its true that knowing your post count doesn't affect the game, it seems to be important to many in the community, and if the majority of the player base feels a tweak to forums would be Important, then its important.

    Some may fear that displaying a post count number after your name would lead to players spamming to increase their numners. This is not an issue. We have active forum mods that delete spam and ban offenders. I, and who ever works with me, simply wouldn't allow it. Also, chronic offenders can easily have their post counts manually reduced, so, an increase in spam is really a non issue.

    There are other features I'd like to see in forum as well, but, I am asking only for this one improvement at this time, so thst I can send a focused community discussion/request to the development staff.

    So, what I want to know from you is........
    Would you like to see a post count number after or below your name in forums? Why? Why not?

    Talk to the Moose

    LATE ADDITION: i have deleted people who are offering post count numbers on this thread. This is a discussion thread, not a post count information thread. People who try to drag this thread off topic with post counts will have their posts deleted and will potentially face a ban. Please stay on topic.
  2. bumping to active topics board
  3. Yes!!! I've been waiting for this for ages
  4. Btw why do you bump to AT if it's already there
  5. Hey Moose, what's my post count?
  6. the manner in which I create threads is different that how others do it. It has to do with moderator toolbox mechanics.
  7. This would be a nice update, and mods can work on threads and they wont be bumped to AT so they bump it. I think
  8. if you, as a community can persuade the devs to enact this update, you
    Will know 
  9. So should I spam feedback?
    Or add to the countless useless support posts that rot in KaW forum history?
  10. Great answer moose. Love the idea but I think it should be below the name and not next to it, or even have a new tab an phone devices to go to your forum information.
  11.  neither. "support!" With no reason is low effort and not valuable.

    This thread will be flagged for developer review. Tell the devs WHY
    you support
  12. Moose is deleting the post counts... and Devices have been waiting ages for this update.
  13. as for spam issues, here is an example....

    Eric_Northman is spamming my thread and trying to drag it off topic. I have deleted his trolls. He has continued to spam, and I have continued to delete. Of he continues, I will ban him, and his post count will remain unchanged. Best of all, forum won't even notice. So, You can see from this example how easy controlling post farming and spam really is
  14. i support because it would help the kawmunnity at large to see what what with their post and how many they have posted
  15. The reason I surrport is becuase people can then see how often they post.

    If the had their profile they could ad forum friends and block on people for the forums.
  16. Oh wait,
    I misunderstood this.
    Of course I want this put in!
  17. Moose when are they going to appoint more forum mods? Are they even considering it or not at all.
  18. Support mr moose
  19. Moose - I vote for below name in the same line as timestamp