Please NOTE: All ideas listed below are up for criticism and change. I am nobody special, I expect there to be a lot of changes made to the idea I propose. Please be constructive and think of the whole kawmmunity as one. PROPOSAL Idea to help those who cant necessarily afford ORACLE packages, and a way to help clans become based off loyalty again. This idea can be worked on by the kawmmunity or if someone find anything about it to be completely unnecessary feel free to say why. Thank you for those who will actually read this and put in their input. Here are my $0.02. I will add your ideas as well. Whenever a pack 4.99+ is bought in the oracle the whole clan gets a treasure to open. Yet a cap at how many gifts a clan mate can receive per day such as 10-15. But since chest items would be randomly generated large amounts of would be Rare; Rewards Very Common- T1 Variety of Pots 30 minute 5% Plunder Bonus(PVP or EB) 10-200 Bronze Bars Common- T2 1-2 Xtals 1-2 Nobility Pts 1-2 Aqua or Inferno 10-300 Bronze Bars Uncommon- T3 30 Minute 10% Plunder Bonus(PVP or EB) 10-400 Bronze Bars x2 Chance on EQ/Scroll Drops Rare- T4 30 Minute 15% Plunder Bonus(PVP or EB) 3-5 Aqua or Inferno Very Rare- T5 30 Minute 25% Plunder Bonus 3-4 Xtals 3-5 Nobility Points 1-2 Mithril Extremely Rare-T6 Horn SoD (Plunder bonus would be randomly generated for PvP or EB. Just like event rewards.) EXTREMELY RARE DROPS- T6 The SoD or Horn drop could only be received by one clan member per day and out of 10-15 gifts claimed per clan mate. The player can choose to either discard a horn in order for the clan to still have a chance to gain a seal. Gift Count Per Day Leaving a clan will not restart your gift count but will halt the ability for you to receive anymore treasure. If you had stayed in a clan for 4 out of 24 hours and only opened 2 gifts, you will not be able to open gifts or receive gifts for the remaining 20 hours. A timer would be in place from when you first opened a gift. 24hours from then your gift count will reset. The gifts/treasure will also expire shortly after receiving it. Only given an hour to open each. Missing a gift will count as your 10-15 to open per day. The longer you stay loyal and in your clan, the higher your chances are of receiving a greater drop. Once you leave it resets, no matter what reason for leaving. Thus introducing LOYALTY POINTS. MAX LOYALTY Loyalty will also be based on activity of your account, battle wins.. eb's started etc. Implementing a new bar on the home screen to show when you're nearing your max loyalty. This will affect your drop rate in gifts. But if your activity slips dramatically, you start to lose loyalty. With max loyalty you still will be gaining the clan a loyalty score continuously. CLAN REWARDS A clan LB could be released and updated at the end of each week. Whoever shows the most loyalty receives that 100% for their whole clan. Again this loyalty never resets unless your clan slips up on activity or people start leaving (with their own max loyalty bar resetting). Maybe as well as having a max limit per day, there would also be a max per week? If the clan generates enough loyalty the clan owner can receive a spell to cast amongst all clan mates with the effects of a 100% crux chest spell. So as well as staying in the clan affecting your OWN chance of rewards, it also gives your clan a chance to receive a reward as well. No clan would know if they are about to receive this, but once they do the spell will only affect those who were there when received, maybe have an automatic locked door until the hour is up. IDEAS/CHANGES TO THE ABOVE ADDED: 6/18/2015
Kawmmnuity Input PROS CONS RESPONSE TO ABOVE QUOTE:But won't this also help the "non-spenders"? Also for a limited amount of gifts (possibly 10-15) it can make it possible for most clans. The wealthier players will more than likely just receive the gifts earlier in the day (possibly week span). CONSTRUCTIVE IDEAS RESPONSE TO ABOVE QUOTE: Good idea, but instead of a wait time before leaving and joining... how about a button when leaving the clan to designate the account off to war?
What Can Make This Work? Try to Think of Ways This Can Benefit The Kawmmunity Will this benefit only a selective group? If So how can the idea be changed? Reward ideas and amounts of rewards per day/week/month Should there be a restriction for leaving clans?
Supporters llllllRoB-ll-_-ll-SToMPllllll Vulture_The_KO_King -_RedBaron_- orsimer Red_Death_Masque -PrImeSuspect- Leopard blazechris Vito__Corleone -Romani- XX_SITHIS_XX x1-_jinchriki_-Shonobi____Eur0 CT____TGOD____CT BadRobot __Mattie Benny001 Huntermellor Rusted_Knight_of_Serenity Matt__________________________
Support Great Idea Would Benefit People who can't afford but devs like there pockets full each week so can't see it happening but maybe try emailing them to see also as they don't read all threads. 100% Support
I figure it'd still benefit the devs because of those looking to benefit their clanmates purchasing more.
Yeah I'm not disputing the small xtal/nobility sales. But this isn't specific to the pro packs is my question - for example the chaos pack. Just clarifying the terminology
Propacks are purchases with nobility an ingame item, which is why seals and horns don't count as a gift reward.
I mean on iDevice you can buy packs such as the chaos pack for straight money from the oracle. Would these loyalty bonuses be from purely xtal and nobility (over $4.99) or for all purchases from the oracle over that amount?
Support. I especially like the idea of 'loyalty points'. The actual reward system seems slightly complex, but I like the feel of the whole idea.
Nope they wouldn't because most hop around and aren't the members actual family. Also points will be the same for each clan, its not based merely off cs etc. You don't gain loyalty from real life money.