♔ Epic Battles (PvE) ♔ <<Spoiler Alert - Fair Warning>>

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Wulf, Feb 28, 2012.


  2. Re: ♔ Epic Battles (PvE) ♔

  3. Re: ♔ Epic Battles (PvE) ♔

    First:Use item: Angel of Light [​IMG] and Holy Wrath [​IMG] on Haze of the accursed.
    Haze of the accursed regenerates 600 points every 10 minutes.
    Second:Attack and Assassinate: Life to 75%

    Phase 1/3 Completion: Feeding on the evil deep beneath, blackened leaves grow from the limbs of the ancient forest trees.
  4. Re: ♔ Epic Battles (PvE) ♔

    First:Use item: Angel of Light [​IMG] and Holy Wrath [​IMG] on Haze of the Accursed.
    Haze of the Accursed regenerates 600 points every 5 minutes.
    and Use item: Locust Swarm [​IMG] on Forests of Corruption.

    This item obtained for free by completing City of the Dead and/or Destroyer.
    Second:Attack and Assassinate: Life to 50%
    Phase 2/3 Completion: Your scouts track Apheriun's steps to an ancient gated structure.
  5. Re: ♔ Epic Battles (PvE) ♔

    First:Attack and Assassinate: Corrupt Guardians
    Second:Attack and Assassinate:Life to 3%
  6. Re: ♔ Epic Battles (PvE) ♔

    First:Wait and Test: You often must wait a certain amount of time for Apheruin to awake. Many call this "God Mode". During God Mode you cannot have any successful actions. God mode typically lasts between 5-8 minutes and repeats every 5 - 8 minutes. Sometimes you enter the 3% stage in "God Mode" some times you enter it in-between.
    If you enter during GodMode you must "test" for it to be over.
    To test use either Locust Swarm
    Angel of Light & Holy Wrath
    Don't use both is wasteful ;)
    Repeat every 30 seconds or so unit you get a success.
    Once you get a success the "God Mode" is over and you may proceed to step #2

    Second:Use item: Angel of Light [​IMG] and Holy Wrath [​IMG] on Haze of the Accursed.(You must use both items toether.)
    Haze of the Accursed regenerates ?? points every ?? minutes.
    AND Use item: Locust Swarm [​IMG] on Forests of Corruption.
    Forests of Corruption regenerates ?? points every ?? minutes.
    I recommend only having one person use the items here.
    Use Haze Items 12 times and use Forest items 8 times (this seems to be the magic formula for lowering the bars together).
    Then test to see if you can attack and assassinate the Life bar. If you fail on the attack/assa then repeat the above until you get a success. When you get a success you have found the "sweet Spot". Stop using items except to maintain this sweet spot percentage level on both bars.
    While holding both bars at the sweet spot Attack and Assassinate:Life To 0%
    Life regenerates ?? points every ?? minutes.
    NOTE: If you overpin either of the item bars you have to wait for them to regenerate. This wait time will likely reset the stage. So start over at step 1 (Testing for God Mode)
  7. Re: ♔ Epic Battles (PvE) ♔

    Mission Completion: On the verge of awakening, your forces vanquish the Evil. The presence dissipates, as does Apheriun, exiled once again from the mortal realm.
  8. Re: ♔ Epic Battles (PvE) ♔

    When your clan completes this mission for the first time it unlocks the
    Apheriun of Exile Achievement to Level 4 which has the following total bonuses:
    1. Attack bonus = 4% to everyone while they are in clan the clan
      Defense Bonus = 4% to everyone while they are in clan the clan
      Spy Attack = 4% to everyone while they are in clan the clan
      Spy Defense = 4% to everyone while they are in clan the clan
  9. Re: ♔ Epic Battles (PvE) ♔

    Common (quantity received is based on activity):
    New Attack Potion: Blizzard +45,000,000 to attack

    Common (quantity received is based on activity):
    New Spy Attack Potion: Amnesia +35,000,000 to spy attack

    Rare Equipment Item (drop is completely random):

  10. Re: ♔ Epic Battles (PvE) ♔

    Aqua and Inferno drop from this epic Battle Randomly
    These components are used to enchant equipment at the Mage


    If you already have the one or both of the swords from this Epic battle there is a chance it will drop:

  12. Re: ♔ Epic Battles (PvE) ♔

  13. Re: ♔ Epic Battles (PvE) ♔

    First:Use item: Seal of the Damned [​IMG] on Unholy Rift.
    Second:Attack and Assassinate: Souls of the Damned to 0
    Third:Attack and Assassinate: Skeleton Apparitions to 0
    Fourth:]Use item: Seal of Deflection [​IMG] on Seal of the Dead to 50%
  14. Re: ♔ Epic Battles (PvE) ♔

    Phase 1/2 Completion: The unholy portals closes. Cries of agony resound as the damned are returned to rest.
  15. Re: ♔ Epic Battles (PvE) ♔

    First:Attack and Assassinate: Reanimated Corpses to 0
    Second:Use item: Seal of Deflection [​IMG] on Seal of the Dead to 0%
  16. Re: ♔ Epic Battles (PvE) ♔

    Mission Completion: Your forces make it across the bridge with naught a moment to spare.
  17. Re: ♔ Epic Battles (PvE) ♔

    There is no clan EB Achievement bonus for this series.
  18. Re: ♔ Epic Battles (PvE) ♔

    Rare Item (drop is completely random):

  19. Re: ♔ Epic Battles (PvE) ♔

    Aqua and Inferno drop from this epic Battle Randomly
    These components are used to enchant equipment at the Mage

    [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][Aqua x3 - x10
    [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG]Inferno x3 - x10
  20. Re: ♔ Epic Battles (PvE) ♔