**UPDATE** Thanks to everyone in the community for all the interest. We have received well over 800 applicants and the event sign-up is now closed. We will be updating you with the list of players and rosters within the next few days. This is our 2nd anniversary of Kingdoms at War and to celebrate we are holding our annual all star war. The top 5,000 players based on overall strength leader board have been invited to join us in this 2 day event to fight for glory and prizes. Depending on the responses and commitment to participating in the war the plan is as follows: • A total of 800 players will be allowed to participate • 4 clans which will consist of 200 players each • Clan rosters will be locked once finalized • 4 clans will war on day 1 and the winners will fight on day 2 • War lengths have been changed to 24 hours • All participants will receive a new achievement • All winners will receive a level 2 achievement • All winners of the finals will receive a level 3 achievement • Top 10 of winning clan in the finals will receive a level 4 achievement • Highest plunder overall will receive a level 5 achievement • All winners will also receive an additional prizes to be decided • You cannot rejoin after leaving the war • You must leave your clan temporarily to participate in the war • All the players in the war are automatically active UNLESS they message kaw's wall with the message 'join delay'. This will give you 4 hours until you are automatically joined and become active in the war. The following dates have been selected to hold this 2 day event. September 9th, 2011 at 12:00pm PST (7:00pm GMT) (24 hour war) - Tournament September 11, 2011 at 12:00pm PST (7:00pm GMT) (24 hour war) - Winners Bracket
We received an overwhelming amount of responses this year for our 2nd Anniversary all-star war. We are pleased to announce this years participants for this epic event! For those who missed the RSVP, we will try something different next time. The rosters and clan composition will be announced at a later date, here is the list! *This is the final list, no further changes will be made. This list was updated today Thursday, September 8th, 2011. The clan rosters will be announced tomorrow. _____________aXiz___________xx ____________fghhgg____________ _____Furanshisu_____ _____i___Sio_Kanz___i_____ ____JOHN_THE_MlGHTY____ __-xXx-__ _-Cold-Rage-_ _-T2-_ _AkotoTheWolf_ _ARES_ _ballE_ _Cavaliere_Oscuro_ _DreamWeaver_ _EmsVanGothTheWolf_ _existence_ _I-M_Jack_Frost_I-M_ _KAJUN_ _KesKay__UrAhaRa_ _KO_the_FARMER_ _Oracle_ _Pipster_ _SHINE_ _Tika_ _vNv_ _WhiteAngelWings_ _WhiteBabySuperPinkyNipples_ _Wicked_Lovely_ -_-erus-_-TS --__JoHnSOn__-- ----WASALAK---- ---THE-GANGSTER-BOSS--- --AngDaoNi-- --ANGEL-- --CrAzY-- --Darth--Maul--TS --Death--Star--TS --DuskRideR-- --Extremist-- --KOi-- --KonGMiNG-- --SilentAngelz-- --VOX-- --z-- --ZhaNgFei-- -Achilleus- -algiers- -AngelKisses- -Arthur- -AWESOME-B_H_E_Z- -BabyyDevil-xD -BadBoyBasti- -Bee- -BUZZ- -C4- -Codeine- -Dani- -Darkblade- -DD-__j0vie_JP__-DD- -Defiant- -ELRIC- -fajha- -ForceRacoon- -GREEN- -HATS- -iM0TA- -JARLAXLE- -Jay- -JoJo- -KDM-PRINCESS165 -LadyGabriela- -madmax- -MAL- -Meisha- -Missy- -RIA- -Rose- -sabre- -SK-NK -SPARKY311- -SPS- -Spyk- -TENGHIS- -THoR- -TRINITY- -WIL- -XxJTxX- -XxTwiZtEdDAiSyxX- 0MEGA 1___Green-LanTern___1 3D_3TERNAL_BALDY 3nnui 3sixty_HGL- 3wisemonkey 4S-Hitman 4S-Swampass 808ulua 9MC A_Dank_Jedi A0TEAROA Admiral4 adrianthegodofgin Adtian Ady-TS afkyrvkIlIIIIl akbutler AkoMismo AKRhino AL-ARAH Ammonite AngelsLight AnnaPirila AntiCancerDrug aqua-d AsianGoddess AsjayLoves-TS Assassin_of_pure_strength Assiss Av AwesomeFoo Ayiraa B_U_R_N_I_N_G__M_A_N B-and-E B-rAd__TS babyloniangoddess Bad_Azz_Name bad434 badassstein ballsagna barca8 BB-BaoBeier Beauty2u BeccaJune-ELITE belle10 bellemorte7 BellicoseBeast_12MD BenchmarkIG bendangee beydd BH_Kcram bhishma Big_Chris Big_Trouble BigSmokeDogg BigTay BigVinnie BintangKejora Black_Plague Bladewarrior82 Blameitonmexico BlazeKing BobCat766 Bomanator boonsiew BornSticky Bourbaki Br4ddle4xe Bravedog bubbakush420usa budfoxone Buffolo Cadian Call_Me_G0d CanadianGal CaptainCaveman CAPUT_MUNDI Caradog carrotjuice CBrad centy changfener Channel07 Chaos209 ChaosEngine Charles_Carmichael chicjune Ching-Doing chopper07 chris3462 ChrixChaos CIVIC9151 Claytonny clearone ClOwNiE CmoneyUSAF cold622 colonthegreat1234treryuhfdfggf cougarhuntrr Count_Demoni CrAnK_LukE CrAnK_ToasT CRAZY-CHILI-BULLY CrAzy3T Creepydude CrimsomStar CT_C-C_CLOUD CT_GREAT_HuaHua CT_KiSs-bLisS CT_llIIlIlF-T_YanIlllIIl CT_lllIII__SKY__IIIlll CT_Metallic CT_mOnkEy-L cubfanbudman1 Cunninlinguist Cyanide daemn damned_2 Dan_the_destroyer Dancer_of_Destiny daniknova Dansjack_HGL daoshabao Darklord_Mike DarlingNikki DarylinBlack Dawnstar Dboi888 dcobb1 DeathMonkey desperado- Didiofalco DILLIGAF-GUEY DirectorJeon DivineLu djkris dodjie donwill DoRa_DoRa Dragonfire974 DraGonMaSTerG-TS Dreggar Drown_in_SORROW_river dShadow DubPen Dyablo EARL-of-the-BASKERVILLES EB-ARI_GOLD EBMSFT eeeeejhh EIIusion EMigNwC EmrossWarLord Enoky ephade ev Evilalucard evilmonkey1983 Evisu EvLRoD Evodeadd ezzen FatherX FilthyanDirty Firebird67 fisherman13 FO_Atropos_TR FO_ChrisAz_TR FO_Heaven_King_TR FO_Mikee12_TR FO_Smudge0812_TR fonzyii17 ForteForteForte_HGL- FortuneCookie francisjay friction3 Frozen1 fruiBx futz garavito GARVlN Ge-DragonEye Ge-llRaDIIiIIAnZll- Germified gGab_The_HeRo Gi_Mo giskard GlamourGurl GlaringSunshine GMCWAR Godjung_HGL- Goliathe Gor-illa GreatTsen grftr Griever369 Grillsking Grimmjow-The-Jaggerjack Grinnie Gryphon Gurra-The_reputable_king hamdit happygangsterz He_Man Healen Heat0 Heath8779 hebegeebee Heidi_the_cross_eyed_opossum HerMagesty hitch209 homy hotchkiss huay I___BT-Red_BuLLs___I I__BT-DarkShogun__I I__BT-Gwenn__I I__BT-KiM9aL9AL__I I__BT-King7riton__I I__BT-Ocean666__I I__BT-TeLep0rtEr__I I__BT-TerLimKnight__I I__BT-Trinity__I I__BT-W111ston__I I__BT-Yen__I I_X__ADMlRAI__X_I IB15 iG_llllllllKRAKKERZllllllll_iG II_____d37r1m3n7aI_____ll II__CSI-babyvk__II II__CSI-HiGhLyPrInCe__II II__CSI-iSquall__II II__CSI-Reborn__II III_POLICE_oO_CK09_Oo_III IIIIDarkKnightIIII IIIIIllllllIIIII IIIlllSuShiKINGlllIII iJaxon IlI_xXBlackHand_ChuCkLeSXx_IlI iliillBLackHandSinMonkeyililli IlIIllIEDDIESlIIIllI IlIl_SlLENT_NlGHT_llIl IlIlI_El_Toro_IlIlI IlIlIlITHE-MIGHTY-THORlIlIlIl IllA1Ill IllI__MING_INTER_ThePERV__IlIl IllI_Brian_of_TX_lIlI iMaki InSaner Iove iProphet IronMichael ISS_Volley_502 J_STARR JackyGoh Jakkiblue Jango-Fett jArMonDo-mF jArS-OwL-mF Jayatwar22 jazz_samz Jedi_MasterDJ jedi78 JennU Jezza_of_Oz JiangDeux JimCat JlGSAW johnslayer Jon_In_KAW Josephineatwar Joszhua jpodj jse Juliane Junaidi_SlayeR JWJ77 K-PIN KAKAW_T3MFH kalammalker kbothwell keninvi KeNNy_HGL- Kev-Garnet Kevinvn killedcine killerT Kimmie-TS KING_HGL- King_Monkey king_mort KING--JAMES KING-ARTHUR-62 KING-ERIQ KingCrunch KINGDOMINODEATH Kinglazy KingPumpkin kiwiprincess kkavatar Kmighty knight66 knuckle_sandwich kopio Krall KRAZYKAJUN krishamaya Kuzmich l___The_Baby___l l__BT-BuMbLe_BeE__l l_AM_LEGEND l_lKoH_AndyHuynhl_l l_lKoH_Da-Vincil_l Lacey LadY_NinnaN LadyAmethyst LadyJayde LadyNemesis Laoda Lazlo lea11 LetHaL_Reaper Levthebigguy LexiliciouS lIlIIllIlIlIllIlIIlIlIIllIlIlI lIlIlII_M0nSt3R_IIlIlIl lIlIlII_SecRet_IIlIlIl lIlIllIIlIll_ZULU_llIlIllIlIlI lIllSlIIlTllllElIIlVllllOIIII LimbHanger liusheng ll_3viLizard_ll ll-LOVE-ll-JESUS-ll llIIllI______SCFD_____IllllIll llIlIIIllIIdeano187llIIllIlIlI lll_Val_lll lllDimSumlll lllIII_BlackHandAngel_IIIlll lllIIIBlackHandPrincessIIIlll llll__CRONUS_THE_KING__llll llll-BugattiVeyron-llll llll-MissyNana-llll llll-Phalanx-llll llllcrusaderllll llllll_xXBlackHandUbUXx_llllll lllllllgurulllllll llllllllRAdiOaCtivEllllllll lllXlXlll___Drop___lllXlXlll llXXllSplDeRmAnllXXll llXxXll_UlTrAmAn-MaX_llXxXll LNR-kurtnoko-LNR LNR-TheeOne-LNR lol_lol_ParPar_lol_lol LoMADLYve LoneLi Lord-VuMaster lordwill Lormaster LOS-MalakWarrior loyalniceguy LP022 LrdDarius lslander Lummymy MadDutch__TS madmaj Mahooka Majesty Malestone7469 malok maowang MasterAdrian MasterAyamTLH mastergamer MasterJedi_Pan MasterKintoJess MasterWarlord_The_1 MasterWarStevie mater7 matw4444 Maximusthegreat Maya-the_bunny_queen mcarni medstar Meerkat55 meghane Metallicana MH-Armageddon MH-BOMB MH-Chubb MH-LuckySteve MH-MUSKRAT69 MH-TigerClaws Michael_The_Archangel mikness milonnie Minako mintime misspiggyhead mommabear mommy07 monstter montanan Monte_Cristo Mori_HGL- mousybaby MR_GREEK Mrak MrCulyer69-TS mstty n50 namoureuze nathanking NaughtyGwen NB8818 ndnchief neotheone NetASQ newbie nickthefirst nightmare11 Nihaoma NinnaN Northern_Trouble notch Noun nrdhrdr Nugget oakleydave ObEsA_CaNtAvIt Obilerator OceanJewel onion-patch ONS_DrSomchai____5TH_MAY_2011_ oO_Loner-SOF_Oo oooiJOINTooo Os-AgA Os-Aprily Os-AVA Os-DENZ Os-ElfAlrY Os-Flow Os-II___GRS___II Os-Il__KAlN__lI Os-KiLLa_oF_DeSTinY Os-KiLLA_ROMEO Os-LionHeart Os-N1KSz Os-Naughty_Juliet Os-NECROPHOBIC Os-NuxX Os-RAnger Os-Rob Os-SeXySpY Os-Snip Os-Snr Os-Tdubbs Os-Toraya Os-TROY P-N-a-Y-MsShieldHeart P-N-o-Y-ABDOS-CLAW P-N-o-Y-aKaPheLa P-N-o-Y-BigBoss P-N-o-Y-Idol P-N-o-Y-II_NOY_II-CLAW P-N-o-Y-IlI-M-_-1-_-K-_-E-IIlI P-N-o-Y-leo197726 P-N-o-Y-lIl-X_0n3-lIl P-N-o-Y-llBOOM-llBOOM-llPOW P-N-o-Y-Valhalla-Na P-N-o-Y-Wetywet-CLAW paloa pangchance Paq-Man PATMAN1973 Persius PHANTOM_MENACE PheonixRising philly78 phoenix515 pikasu321 PMECPA poizonarrow PoppaBear PrinceJonathan PrincessPanda PWR62 pyranthol qed2011 Queen_Lisa queenmimi QueenVashti raisedonrice RAMY rangerbob raphurious RaVaGeD_BeAvEr Ravenhead Ray_Ang_HGL- Razor22 RC_at_War Reaper6468 Rebellious-The-Bold ReBirth_Aeternus-MinervA ReBirth_alMio ReBirth_GuysS ReBirth_Lovely_ChoJang ReBirth_Lucky-Guy ReBirth_Neo-GrayWolf ReBirth_NoBlesse ReBirth_Placidus-soO ReBirth_SUNing Red_Eyes_Sky_Dragon Resilient_brew Resilient_CAScr Resilient_DEATH_Feeder Resilient_irishangel Resilient_Necromancer Resilient_Scar Resilient_Termoil Resilient_ZombieTrooper Resilient-Le_Freak ReturnOfAmar ReturnOfQueenVasia ReturnOfSirDuncan Reynolds_HGL- RI-03_LUKI-Bintan_Island_ RI-05_Arjuna_ Richard69Cypher RICHARDISGOD RichSJS Rigo59 Rock5taR RockMyWorld Rodbob ROK_HGL- ROL_Bartho ROL_EndlessHuman-WhatYouThink- roxy808 RR-SDAWG Ruland RX78-02 s-platt Sabbra Sahrin sailmollybrown samurai123 sara287 Sasuk343ver satanasetdiabolo Scorp Scottblb scraps SeenEnough Sexwulf Sexy_Siren seXy_TalknoT_yXes SF-AReay SFS-MikeDawg SG_Adrianmutu SgArthur Shadow_Spawn Shadow-Hunter ShadowKAN ShanJi_The_HeRo shoulderpads_and_knees Silberfang Silent_warrior Simmo27 SIN-ister SINDYtheSWEETIE sinkinghole sinzst1 Sir_LeoFromAus sirfable SKOAL sleepy3521 slink36 Sneed snow_wolf snugglepot SOCAL-AMAZE Sokrates SparhawkBrightblade spinfree SPODA-B Spoonlord SR-Supratoy89 ssdx St0n3C0LdKiLLa-TS stardad74 stefstrike StepUpSon stitchangel SubCrew_The_HeRo supermooboy SUPERTOEJAM surfnturf SurlyWizard Susanoo Suspect swift-ty SWST_BeRRieS_XiaOBLuE_MK SWST_ICEY_BuYaoReZheKuai_IcE sydyen Talon_Karrde Tannarus Taralyn taylorthegreat teabagyomama ThaiESAN The_ChubbyShredder_project The_Great_1 The_Lord_Rahl The_Vixen the-ces TheCrimsonKing thedocmd5 TheGreatGoR TheGreatOwnin TheHooliganKing TheLittleGuy ThePotter TheSaviour TheVampire ThomasK_HGL- tigerzheng TiggerKat75 Tipsy_PiXie Tobeque TopCow_ Torpedo_E Totenkopf ToW_JayMoney tremticus trunkskira tsubodai twinkle_toes ultimatesin Valkyrja VanDaddy Vando Vashj vasilios Verona VibrantRose Victor3388 victorVirus VietnameseGangsterz Violyte Vogner Volans Vontez vortas VV_LOVE_BB wampo111 War-Cry wargore Warlock WarLorD187-TS warrior_shadow Warsin Wendyms Whiiilliitey_Shank_Ur_Eye White-Castle wibutos Wicked_D Wilders_David18 Wilders_Frozty Wilders_PinkPanther Wilders_Sghatak Wilders_Willllllll williambpd WillieD Willowroot Wilson_HGL- wusangui x_gnosis_x x0x_lil_XTC_lil_x0x XFighter ximenxue xlplyk Xuzhu xWarRocketAJAXx xX___DAMMlTT___Xx xX___KING_OF_STL___Xx xX___MADDOG___Xx xX___SIR_JAFFET___Xx xX__RITLORD__Xx Xx__Underoath__xX xX_WILD_Xx xXx________BruceLee________xXx xXx_PriNce-KeN_xXx xXx_PrinCess-BarBie_xXx XxX-Tha-Don-XxX xXxfearXfaithxXx xXxlIlIl___NAZGUL__lIIllxXx xxxMonkeyxx YellowNoodle Yizo yongman yoongy york yuki22 Zad-TS Zane zaveroth zazui zdAddy- Zoey Zondo34 zZAsmodeusZz
TEAM PRIDE _____________aXiz___________xx _____Furanshisu_____ _-T2-_ _AkotoTheWolf_ _ballE_ _KAJUN_ _Oracle_ _vNv_ -_-erus-_-TS --Death--Star--TS --DuskRideR-- --Extremist-- --KOi-- --KonGMiNG-- --ZhaNgFei-- -BabyyDevil-xD -Bee- -LadyGabriela- -madmax- -MAL- -RIA- -SPARKY311- -TENGHIS- -THoR- -WIL- 3nnui Admiral4 Ady-TS AkoMismo AnnaPirila AsianGoddess AsjayLoves-TS babyloniangoddess Bad_Azz_Name bad434 BB-BaoBeier BeccaJune-ELITE BH_Kcram Black_Plague Blameitonmexico BlazeKing boonsiew BornSticky Bourbaki Bravedog Cadian Call_Me_G0d CBrad Charles_Carmichael ChrixChaos CIVIC9151 Claytonny clearone colonthegreat1234treryuhfdfggf CT_C-C_CLOUD CT_KiSs-bLisS CT_lllIII__SKY__IIIlll CT_Metallic DarylinBlack Dboi888 Didiofalco DivineLu DoRa_DoRa Dragonfire974 EmrossWarLord Enoky EvLRoD FatherX FilthyanDirty FO_Smudge0812_TR FortuneCookie Frozen1 GlaringSunshine Gryphon Healen Heidi_the_cross_eyed_opossum homy I__BT-TeLep0rtEr__I IB15 IIIIDarkKnightIIII InSaner IronMichael ISS_Volley_502 Josephineatwar Joszhua Juliane JWJ77 KAKAW_T3MFH keninvi KeNNy_HGL- KING-ERIQ KINGDOMINODEATH kiwiprincess KRAZYKAJUN l__BT-BuMbLe_BeE__l Lazlo LexiliciouS lIlIlII_M0nSt3R_IIlIlIl llIlIIIllIIdeano187llIIllIlIlI lllIII_BlackHandAngel_IIIlll llll__CRONUS_THE_KING__llll llllcrusaderllll llXXllSplDeRmAnllXXll LoMADLYve LoneLi LP022 Lummymy Mahooka MasterJedi_Pan mcarni medstar meghane MH-Chubb mintime mommabear Mori_HGL- mstty neotheone NetASQ newbie Northern_Trouble Noun ObEsA_CaNtAvIt oO_Loner-SOF_Oo oooiJOINTooo Os-N1KSz Os-NECROPHOBIC Os-NuxX Os-Rob Os-Tdubbs P-N-o-Y-ABDOS-CLAW P-N-o-Y-BigBoss P-N-o-Y-Idol P-N-o-Y-lIl-X_0n3-lIl P-N-o-Y-Wetywet-CLAW paloa PATMAN1973 Persius poizonarrow PoppaBear pyranthol Queen_Lisa QueenVashti rangerbob RaVaGeD_BeAvEr Ray_Ang_HGL- Rebellious-The-Bold Resilient_irishangel Resilient_Scar Resilient_Termoil RICHARDISGOD RichSJS Rigo59 ROL_Bartho ROL_EndlessHuman-WhatYouThink- RX78-02 sara287 SF-AReay SG_Adrianmutu shoulderpads_and_knees Silberfang Silent_warrior sinzst1 Sir_LeoFromAus sleepy3521 slink36 snugglepot SparhawkBrightblade stefstrike stitchangel supermooboy Susanoo Tannarus The_ChubbyShredder_project The_Great_1 thedocmd5 TheGreatGoR TheLittleGuy TheSaviour TheVampire tigerzheng TiggerKat75 Tobeque tremticus tsubodai VanDaddy Verona Volans wampo111 Whiiilliitey_Shank_Ur_Eye Wilders_Frozty Willowroot XFighter xX___MADDOG___Xx xX_WILD_Xx XxX-Tha-Don-XxX xxxMonkeyxx yuki22 zaveroth zZAsmodeusZz TEAM WRATH ____________fghhgg____________ __-xXx-__ _existence_ _KesKay__UrAhaRa_ _KO_the_FARMER_ _Pipster_ _SHINE_ _WhiteBabySuperPinkyNipples_ --Darth--Maul--TS --VOX-- -Achilleus- -algiers- -AngelKisses- -Arthur- -AWESOME-B_H_E_Z- -Darkblade- -fajha- -ForceRacoon- -KDM-PRINCESS165 -Rose- -SK-NK -SPS- -Spyk- -XxJTxX- 0MEGA 3wisemonkey 4S-Swampass 808ulua 9MC A0TEAROA adrianthegodofgin AKRhino AL-ARAH AngelsLight belle10 bendangee beydd Big_Chris BobCat766 Bomanator budfoxone Buffolo CaptainCaveman changfener Channel07 Chaos209 chopper07 chris3462 cold622 Count_Demoni CrAnK_ToasT Cunninlinguist damned_2 Dan_the_destroyer Dancer_of_Destiny Dansjack_HGL Darklord_Mike Dawnstar dcobb1 desperado- DILLIGAF-GUEY DirectorJeon djkris Drown_in_SORROW_river eeeeejhh ephade ezzen Firebird67 FO_Heaven_King_TR FO_Mikee12_TR ForteForteForte_HGL- friction3 fruiBx Ge-llRaDIIiIIAnZll- gGab_The_HeRo GMCWAR Grinnie hamdit He_Man Heath8779 HerMagesty hitch209 I___BT-Red_BuLLs___I I__BT-Gwenn__I I__BT-TerLimKnight__I I__BT-Trinity__I I_X__ADMlRAI__X_I II_____d37r1m3n7aI_____ll II__CSI-iSquall__II III_POLICE_oO_CK09_Oo_III IIIIIllllllIIIII iJaxon iliillBLackHandSinMonkeyililli IlIIllIEDDIESlIIIllI IlIlI_El_Toro_IlIlI Iove iProphet Jango-Fett jArS-OwL-mF JennU Junaidi_SlayeR K-PIN kbothwell killerT KING_HGL- KING-ARTHUR-62 Kmighty knight66 krishamaya l_AM_LEGEND LadyNemesis LetHaL_Reaper lIllSlIIlTllllElIIlVllllOIIII llllll_xXBlackHandUbUXx_llllll lllXlXlll___Drop___lllXlXlll llXxXll_UlTrAmAn-MaX_llXxXll LNR-TheeOne-LNR Lord-VuMaster LOS-MalakWarrior Majesty Malestone7469 MasterAyamTLH Maximusthegreat Metallicana MH-Armageddon MH-LuckySteve montanan MrCulyer69-TS ndnchief nickthefirst OceanJewel Os-AgA Os-AVA Os-Il__KAlN__lI Os-KiLLA_ROMEO Os-LionHeart Os-SeXySpY Os-Snr P-N-o-Y-aKaPheLa P-N-o-Y-II_NOY_II-CLAW P-N-o-Y-IlI-M-_-1-_-K-_-E-IIlI P-N-o-Y-Valhalla-Na pangchance PrinceJonathan qed2011 raisedonrice raphurious ReBirth_alMio Resilient_CAScr Resilient_Necromancer Rodbob ROK_HGL- Sabbra samurai123 satanasetdiabolo Sexwulf seXy_TalknoT_yXes SFS-MikeDawg SgArthur Shadow_Spawn Shadow-Hunter ShadowKAN SIN-ister sinkinghole snow_wolf SPODA-B Spoonlord ssdx StepUpSon surfnturf SWST_BeRRieS_XiaOBLuE_MK taylorthegreat The_Vixen ThePotter Tipsy_PiXie Torpedo_E ToW_JayMoney trunkskira Vando VibrantRose VietnameseGangsterz Vogner Vontez vortas VV_LOVE_BB War-Cry wargore warrior_shadow wibutos Wilders_PinkPanther williambpd x_gnosis_x xX__RITLORD__Xx xXx________BruceLee________xXx xXx_PriNce-KeN_xXx xXx_PrinCess-BarBie_xXx YellowNoodle Zane zazui Zondo34 TEAM ENVY _____i___Sio_Kanz___i_____ _-Cold-Rage-_ _Cavaliere_Oscuro_ _EmsVanGothTheWolf_ _I-M_Jack_Frost_I-M_ _Tika_ _WhiteAngelWings_ _Wicked_Lovely_ ----WASALAK---- ---THE-GANGSTER-BOSS--- --AngDaoNi-- --ANGEL-- --CrAzY-- -Codeine- -GREEN- -HATS- -iM0TA- -JoJo- -Missy- -TRINITY- 3sixty_HGL- A_Dank_Jedi akbutler Ammonite AntiCancerDrug aqua-d Assassin_of_pure_strength Ayiraa B_U_R_N_I_N_G__M_A_N B-rAd__TS badassstein ballsagna barca8 bellemorte7 BenchmarkIG bhishma BigSmokeDogg BigTay BigVinnie Br4ddle4xe chicjune CmoneyUSAF cougarhuntrr CrAnK_LukE CrAzy3T CT_GREAT_HuaHua CT_llIIlIlF-T_YanIlllIIl daniknova DeathMonkey dodjie dShadow DubPen Dyablo EB-ARI_GOLD EIIusion Evilalucard evilmonkey1983 FO_Atropos_TR fonzyii17 GARVlN Germified Gi_Mo GlamourGurl Godjung_HGL- grftr Grillsking Gurra-The_reputable_king Heat0 hebegeebee hotchkiss I__BT-KiM9aL9AL__I I__BT-Ocean666__I I__BT-W111ston__I I__BT-Yen__I II__CSI-babyvk__II II__CSI-Reborn__II IIIlllSuShiKINGlllIII IlI_xXBlackHand_ChuCkLeSXx_IlI IlIl_SlLENT_NlGHT_llIl IllI__MING_INTER_ThePERV__IlIl iMaki JackyGoh jArMonDo-mF Jedi_MasterDJ JiangDeux johnslayer Jon_In_KAW jpodj jse kalammalker killedcine King_Monkey KingPumpkin kkavatar kopio Kuzmich LadY_NinnaN lea11 Levthebigguy lIlIIllIlIlIllIlIIlIlIIllIlIlI LimbHanger ll-LOVE-ll-JESUS-ll lll_Val_lll lllDimSumlll lllIIIBlackHandPrincessIIIlll llll-MissyNana-llll llll-Phalanx-llll llllllllRAdiOaCtivEllllllll lordwill Lormaster loyalniceguy malok MasterAdrian mastergamer MasterKintoJess MasterWarlord_The_1 Maya-the_bunny_queen Meerkat55 MH-BOMB MH-MUSKRAT69 MH-TigerClaws Michael_The_Archangel mikness milonnie misspiggyhead monstter Monte_Cristo nightmare11 notch Nugget oakleydave Obilerator onion-patch ONS_DrSomchai____5TH_MAY_2011_ Os-Aprily Os-ElfAlrY Os-Flow Os-II___GRS___II Os-RAnger Os-Toraya Os-TROY P-N-a-Y-MsShieldHeart Paq-Man PMECPA PrincessPanda PWR62 Ravenhead ReBirth_Aeternus-MinervA 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Congratulations to Team Wrath on winning this years Kingdoms at War All-Star War!!! Please see this thread for the results: viewtopic.php?f=4&t=79304
It has come to our attention that people are selling their spots on the AllStar War for real money. Because of this we have closed the ability to select your replacement. If you wish to withdraw from the AllStar War you can still wall me and someone will be selected from the original signup. It has also come to our attention that some people have registered alternate accounts in the AllStar War. Although it was not originally stated that this isn't allowed it has been decided that the presence of alternate accounts allows for too much chance of "cheating" (example: Opening your OSF who happens to be on the other team) and it is not fair to the other applicants that you take up more than one seat.Alternate accounts were not allowed in the last AllStar war and they are not allowed in this AllStar War. That this wasn't mentioned in the initial release was an oversight and we apologize for the confusion. To that end: if you have an alternate account registered you should wall me the account(s) you wish to have removed. Otherwise you risk having all your accounts removed. Please spread the word. Thank you, The Kingdoms at War Moderation Team The list is being Reviewed: If anyone on the list does not qualify they will be removed and replaced with another applicant. If you will not be able to participate or have changed you mind let me know on my wall and we will replace you with another applicant. Registration for the AllStar War is closed Amazing Response. Roster was filled in a little over 28 hours I believe. A List of the 800 will be posted soon. The clan assignments will come much later to limit "Politics" War Rules (so far) The "Rules" for this war will be expanded on by kaw_admin soon. Right now we know: • Everyone will be AUTO-JOINED to the war when it starts • Exception if you request a delayed start you will be auto-joined at a later start time. 4 hours is the max delay you can request. • If you leave the war you will not be allowed to rejoin (Stadium rules - no re-admittance) • Each war is 24 hours in duration. • Clans which will consist of 200 players each • Clan rosters will be Clan Assignments are posted. Substitutions not allowed. • 4 clans will war on day 1 September 9th, 2011 at 12:00pm PST (7:00pm GMT) • 2 Victorious clans from day 1 will fight on day 2 September 11, 2011 at 12:00pm PST (7:00pm GMT) • Clan rosters will be mixed according to rank and build to make each team as equal as possible • Request to be on a specific team or to be placed with a specific person will be ignored To Address Common Questions On My Wall Rank doesn't effect acceptance in war. If the 800th applicant is LB ranked 4,999 & the 801st applicant is LB ranked 7 then Rank 4,999 guy gets in and the Rank 7 guy is on the waiting list. There are no team clans yet. Special Clans will be creates. Existing clans will not be used. The clan names and rosters should be announced on or before the 2nd. This is also when you will know if you made it into the war or not It is possible that KAW will PM you if you made it into the war but this is as of yet unconfirmed. No KAW MINISTARS War is planned. Please understand that there are several hundred thousand players lower than rank 5000 in this game. KAW does not value any player any less than any other player. This war was set up to be a gigantic clash of titand battle. The rank minimum is in place to keep the flood of applicants down to a steady roar. To be honest, KAW doesn't really have the resources to handle hundreds of thousands of requests to be in a war that can only hold 800 people. This is why the limitations are in place. ATA did hear your complaints last year about this and tried to be accommodating by raising last year's limit of 2000+ to 5000+ and increasing the roster from 400 to 800 players.