Omg a dev!! I'm a mod!!

Discussion in 'Best Of' started by IlI_xXBlackHandXTREMEXx_llI, Apr 12, 2012.

  1. Rofl, so this guy follows me, here's our convo.


    Enjoy :lol: and don't fall for kaw-admLn!! Lol
  2. Love it! One of the few things that was really long I actually read! That's hilarious, he's going to put moderator powers on your iPhone lol. Sadly some people probably fall for that...
  3. That made my morning. Epic.
  4.  go get em bro! 
  5. "power" lol. He's getting banned
  6. He has power the power to get banned :lol:
  7. Wow lol!! That guys stupid :D
  8. 
  9. Wow. This is really sad lol! But hilarious! :lol:

    *awaits for him to be permanently banned*
  10. Lol he fells destroyed now lnao
  11. :lol: :lol: :lol:

    Nothing else to post.

    Oh, except from

    :lol :lol: :lol:
  12. Best part is my bro works for apple, lol, that is the fakest udid I've ever seen
  13. I thought you were gonna fall for it but then I knew you better and then I lolled
  14. Lol a p-mod?! 