The Sound of Blood: Feedback and Discussion

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by FeatherHunter, Oct 16, 2011.

  1. All forms of feedback about the Sound of Blood belong here, whether praise or criticism.

    All discussions about the story are to be held on this thread as well.

    I wasn't sure how to write the prologue, but now I think I made the right decision with the birth of Violet being the prologue.

    The Sound of Blood
    The Sound of Blood: Sign Ups
  2. Aren't I awesome? I wasn't sure if everyone knew what pulchritudinous meant, so I was a little apprehensive about putting that word in the story.

    Violet and Dimitri will be the main characters. Dimitri is not on the sign up list, but is a character I made.
  3. Cool! This should be interesting 
  4. This story seems to be very interesting :D
  5. Chapter One should be up today.
  6. I liked the story so far.
  7. Thanks. I'm not sure where the story will end, but I've got the rising action and the climax planned.
  8. Interesting.

    Looking forward to chapter 1 :D
  9. It's boring..........

    put a battle tank or two in it....
  10. lol wrong story. haven't read this one.
  11. Chapter one up.
  12. All the guys assumed porno? Woe
  13. Wow**

    (Grammar unicornZ)
  14. The usual sex education attitude for males.

    Did you like it?
  15. Ouch thats a mean assumption.

    Yes, I liked it, but there isnt really enough to see where this would go... so ill be the first one to say this here.

  16. Yes! I got a moar! ALL IN CAPS!
  17. I really like the story.
    You do a very good job with describing the feelings of Violet :)

    Keep it up :D
  18. I've postponed all other stories of mine till I finish this one. I'm writing this one so that I can expand a little into the girl PoV. Whenever I look at my stories and go to a point where it's through a girl's PoV, it always seems... /).-

    But with a guy PoV... (>^.^)>readers<(^.^<)