The Secret King

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by FeatherHunter, Apr 19, 2011.

  1. A feedback thread has been provided, please do not post on this thread!
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    Pretty soon, I will be posting the story.


    6th grade was and is a big year/school year for my friends and I.
    6th grade is the grade in which you enter Middle School in the United States.

    For me, it's the year I rose on the social scale, although I was already high on it, and which I rose even higher on an academic level; I'm already in gifted classes so how smarter can someone get...unless of course, your a prodigy.

    But most importantly, it's the year I learned a valuable lesson:

    Every school and grade has a King. Some are there to bring change, others, to rule.

    I came to do both...

    My brother Justin has told me everything there is to know about sixth grade, but he didn't prepare me for all the drama!

    My brother is Justin New; he's starting 8th grade this year and has been going to Grovetown Middle for the 6th and 7th grade and even went to Grovetown Elementary for grades Kindergarten-5th.
    He's a School King at our school. Basically, he's super popular.

    I plan to be a School King, too.

    He's the reason I started out at Grovetown Middle so popular.

    My name: JayD Meriweather

    Feedback Link: The Secret King: Feedback and Discussion