Fan-Fictional Epic Battle: Kangen The Punisher

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by sean893, Jan 2, 2015.

  1. NOTE: This thread is purely connected to the Fan Fiction Story. This is NOT an idea to propose to the developers.

    Kingdoms At War: The Story

    Epic Battle: Kangen The Punisher

    (There is no image of the epic battle monster, sorry about that!!)

    A gigantic warrior has stood upon most kingdoms. As your forces gets ready to face Kangen, he is also just as ready to face you.

    WARNING: This epic battle hits back, so before you initiate this epic battle, be prepared!
    Kangen will only hit clan members that is Active in Epic Battle. Should your Life reaches 0, you will die and not only be removed from the Active in Epic Battles list, but also face automatic account deletion from the game (the same as a player killing you in-game.)

    Note: Kangen’s HP at 100% is 200,000 points. (1% = 2,000 HP)

    Phase 1/6


    First: Attack & Assassinate Kangen to 99%

    Phase 1/6 Completion: The battle between you and your forces against Kangen begins!

    Phase 2/6


    First: Use Item: Healing Aura on Allied Troops bar.(Optional) (It will decrease by 515 to 750 every 5 minutes/5 hits, whichever comes first.)

    For the Allied Troops, this time you are using items NOT to make the bar go to 0, but to help keep it full. When you use Healing Aura on Allied Troops, it will show on the epic battle log like this:

    Second: Attack & Assassinate Kangen to 75%
    (Will attack a clan member every 5 minutes/5 hits, whichever comes first.)
    During this phase, Kangen will attack the “Allied Troops” every 5 minutes or 5 hits taken, whichever comes first. If the Allied Troops Bar is 0, Kangen will attack a random active clan member every 5 minutes, or, after it has taken the 4th action hit, the next person attacking/assassinating Kangen is the 5th action hit and will receive an attack from Kangen in return, like this:

    (For Kangen to be able to inflict damage to you, the Allied Troops must be 0 first. Otherwise Kangen will continue hitting the Allied Troops.)

    Notice that after 4 actions have been made on Kangen, Tekken was the next to hit Kangen doing the 5th action, so Kangen will be hitting this person back in return.

    When you get hit by Kangen, just as how players attack you-in game, a notification will show in your News Feed like this:

    Depending on your defense stat (not spy defense), If your defense stat is low, you will take more damage from Kangen. If your defense is high you will not only take less damage, but also have increased chances to win the defense action against Kangen, thus inflicting no damage on your Life.

    Kangen’s attack options:
    1: Normal Attack(attacks an active clan member)

    Phase 2/6 Completion: Kangen’s soldiers and spies come to his aid, ready to give you a real hard time!

    Phase 3/6


    First: Attack Kangen’s Soldiers to 0(Optional) (It regenerates by 800 every 5 minutes.)
    (Will attack a clan member every 5 minutes/5 hits, whichever comes first.)

    WARNING: Kangen’s soldiers are also able to attack your clan members! However, their number of soldiers (on bar) decreases by 1-10%, depending on the defending clan member’s defense stat.

    Second: Scout OR Assassinate Kangen’s Soldiers to 0(Optional)
    (It regenerates by 600 every 5 minutes.)
    (Will steal or assassinate a clan member every 5 minutes/5 hits, whichever comes first.)

    WARNING: Kangen’s spies are also able to steal or assassinate your clan members! However, their number of spies (on bar) decreases by 1-7%, depending on the defending clan member’s spy defense stat.

    Third: Attack & Assassinate Kangen to 50%
    (Will attack a clan member every 5 minutes/5 hits, whichever comes first.)

    Kangen’s Attack Options:
    1: Normal Attack(attacks a clan member)
    2: Four-axe-combo(attacks a clan member, giving 4 hits in 1 action.)

    Phase 3/6 Completion: With your forces withstanding against the extreme odds, Kangen has now casted a defense barrier spell to protect himself.

    Phase 4/6


    First: Attack Kangen’s Soldiers to 0(Optional) (It regenerates by 800 every 5 minutes.)
    (Will attack a clan member every 5 minutes/5 hits, whichever comes first.)

    Second: Scout OR Assassinate Kangen’s Soldiers to 0(Optional)
    (It regenerates by 600 every 5 minutes.)
    (Will steal or assassinate a clan member every 5 minutes/5 hits, whichever comes first.)

    Third: Attack & Assassinate Kangen to 50%
    (Will attack a clan member every 5 minutes/5 hits, whichever comes first.)

    WARNING: Kangen now has the ability to cast a spell called the Defense Barrier that will last for 15 minutes. During this effect, any attacks and assassinations on Kangen will have 75% reduced damage.

    *Kangen can cast it again and again, on any time he likes. There is no fixed wait time for the spell to be casted again.* (It can only be casted again once the Defense Barrier wears off.)

    Example: Your usual attack deals 200 damage against Kangen. But now, if you attack Kangen while his Defense Barrier spell is active, you will only deal 50 damage per hit.

    Kangen’s Attack Options:

    1: Normal Attack
    2: Four-axe-Swing(attacks a clan member 4 times in 1 action.)
    3: Swipe (Gives a hit to ALL Active in Epic Battle clan members in a single action.)
    4: Defense (Casts the Defense Barrier to take 75% reduced damage for 15 minutes)

    Phase 4/6 Completion: Angered, Kangen once again changes to his last and most powerful form.

    Phase 5/6


    First: Attack & Assassinate Kangen to 1%
    (Will attack a clan member every 2 minutes/5 hits, whichever comes first.)

    In an angered state, Kangen’s attack strength is now five times more powerful. From here, there will be no side bars, just Kangen. But this can be the deadliest moment yet!

    This means that instead of Kangen dealing for example, 57 damage to a clan member will now deal 285 life damage in one single hit. Also, Kangen will now attack a clan member every 2 minutes instead of 5 minutes or 5 hits taken, whichever comes first.

    Kangen’s Attack Options
    1: Normal Attack (Attacks a clan member every 2 minutes/5 hits taken, whichever comes first) 5x the normal damage per hit!!

    Phase 5/6 Completion: Kangen is being struck down. As he staggers, he loses all of his entire powers. Finish this monster once and for all!

    Phase 6/6(Final)


    First: Attack & Assassinate Kangen to zero

    Kangen’s Attack Patterns:
    1: Last Word (this will be used when its HP hits zero. Will inflict deadly damage to ALL Active in Epic Battle Clan members for one last time before it’s death)

    Phase 6/6 Completion: As Kangen falls down to his nearly death, he is going to unleash the last attack of his life.
    For example, as the 60-second time is up and Kangen finally uses his last attack, let’s say three people aren’t leaving the clan and are still Active in Epic Battle. The epic battle log would look like this, starting with a clan member making the last hit:

    Mission Completion: As Kangen makes his last breath, the gigantic monster is finally struck down to his death. Your forces stand victorious!
  2. ITEMS DROPPED FROM THIS MISSION: (as in the Fan-Fictional world of Kaw: The Story)

    Gold based on member contributions, plus an extra 15 trillion gold(15,000,000,000,000) to ALL Active in Epic Battle remaining clan members that survived.

    Aqua (50-100)
    Nobility Points or Health Crystals(1-5)(Chance of obtaining this is 5%)
    All 13 attack and defense pots (100-250), and all 11 spy attack/defense pots (100-250)
    Bronze Bars(50-100)
    An exclusive rare equipment for Medical Class Kingdom
    An exclusive rare equipment for Conquerer Class Kingdom
    An exclusive rare equipment for Monarch Class Kingdom
    An exclusive rare equipment for Defender Class Kingdom


  3. Some Additional info about this epic battle:

    Kangen's combined stats:
    Attack: 6,500,000(5 times bigger during Phase 5/6)
    Defense: 5,000,000

    Spy Attack: None
    Spy Defense: 2,250,000

    Kangen's soldiers combined stats(P3 and P4)
    Attack: 3,145,000
    Defense: 2,000,000

    Spy Attack: None
    Spy Defense: None

    Kangen's Spies Combined Stats(P3 and P4)
    Attack: None
    Defense: None

    Spy Attack: 3,500,000
    Spy Defense: 5,000,000
  4. Reserved.
  5. Reserved.
  6. Reserved.
  7. >Then I said support :lol:
  8. Nice thread just don't like how kangen attacks members and the 15 trillion gold drop is gonna make KaW less challenging, but other than tht nice thread and support 
  9. Except for the 15T gold drop I really like this one sean. Support
  10. How can the gold be distributed when you have to leave the clan? :|
  11. You can't get the gold distributed! Only Active in Epic Battle members can get it. As per usual, if you leave all the contributions will be removed. But if you get killed by Kangen, and that a medical class kingdom revives you using a Life Crystal, you're still in the game!
  12. Great, now make it cost 1000 nobs
  13. No thank you
  14. Great thread, sad thing is, this might get Devs attention and be the next eb to hit our little screens, minus all the great rewards that can be got. This sounds like a max XTAL eb, which means more $$$$$$$$ but rewards are fictional.

    Overall I'd support the idea of the eb but if rewards were more realistic, it might not be as good.

    Keep up the good work and bring out the next 3 ebs in the series and hopefully we'll all be hitting one soon
  15. Most ppl on this thread seem to forget that he made this for fun and as a fan fiction, instead of an idea for the devs :roll:

    He even put it in size 40 at the beginning of his post :lol:
  16. That fan-fictional epic battle will not exist in the Kaw world we're playing now, for your kind information!

    It's size 200!!