Kingdoms At War: The Story(Part 8)

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by sean893, Dec 14, 2014.

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  1. Before PART 8 starts, here is a basic profile for some of the members in The Fourth Prefecture.
    Clan Members: 9
    KA= Kawmunity Allegiance. M: Male. F: Female. U: Unknown.

    Hioki567(Conquerer Class Kingdom): 71,100/58,000/5,400/5,400(M)
    Tekken716(Conquerer Class Kingdom): 7,516,400/5,712,850/887,000/887,000(M, 3 years KA)
    Punishing_Driver(Defender Class Kingdom): 4,517,250/12,516,200/456,000/5,613,700(M, 2 years KA)
    Cherry516(Medical Class Kingdom): 454,200/416,800/25,600/32,500(F, 3 years KA)
    TheSuperBasher(Monarch Class Kingdom): 2,013,700/1,642,800/48,100/48,100(M, 1 year KA)
    TheRight33(Conquerer Class Kingdom): 1,512,800/1,048,174/256,000/256,000(M, 1 year KA)
    Gary_The_Great(Conquerer Class Kingdom): 6,215,250/5,195,500/910,000/1,025,000(M, 1 year KA)
    Khalifah_ArifAlqursi(Monarch Class Kingdom): 149,340/106,140/37,800/37,800(U)
    Minho256(Conquerer Class Kingdom): 2,512,700/2,525,825/415,000/450,200(M, 1 year KA)


    PART 8

    -14 February 1976, 8:30 AM. The Fourth Prefecture: Clan Chat-

    The Reckoning: Time Left: 10:25:17. Phase 1/3. Head of Z’uthmerak 87%

    Hioki567: Morning everyone…
    Cherry516: Morning Hioki. :D
    Hioki567: I’m gonna go look at the World Chat for a minute.

    -The World Chat-

    Yusuke811: need a good clan!!
    Nifty_P_Nifty: looking for a warbeast clan!
    Common_Sense: LFC doing T5 boss needs to equips.

    Hioki567 is now following the three players who needs clans.

    Hioki567: Saw three players needing clans! Let’s follow em!

    After Hioki followed the three players, Yusuke and Common_Sense followed back. Yusuke811 directly applies to the clan without messaging, while a private message between Hioki567 and Common_Sense was triggered.

    Common_Sense: hello there…I hope my msg got ur attention..
    Hioki567: Would you like to join The Fourth Prefecture? There is no epic battle stronger than Apheriun The Exile. Apheriun is Tier 5 epic battle. But now we are currently doing b2b reckonings
    Common_Sense: cuz I really need to do T5 eb. Sooner I will be much bigger than before. I work so hard to put my name on the leaderboard.
    Hioki567: We will move to T5 later when we got enough clan power. But if you decide not to join now, I respect your decision.
    Common_Sense: looks like a promising clan with decent members. I respect that you want to builds a fair reputation by yourself. And I accept it.
    Hioki567: So do you want to come in?
    Common_Sense: yes friend I am all yours, I offer my duty for you.

    Common_Sense has requested to join your clan.
    Common_Sense has joined your clan.
  2. -The Fourth Prefecture: Clan Chat-

    Cherry516: Welcome Common!!
    Hioki567: Welcome Common_Sense
    Common_Sense: hello every one, lads and gents :D
    Common_Sense: I already feel the warm and cozy welcoming…glad to be here.
    Hioki567: I’m glad you feel that!
    Cherry516: Me too. The Reckoning is currently on now.

    Yusuke811 has requested to join your clan.
    Yusuke811 has joined your clan.

    Hioki567: Welcome Yusuke811!
    Yusuke811: ty admin
    Common_Sense: welcome Yuseke here. We are headed to crash that SQUID off! Are you ready? :D

    Yusuke811 attacked and lost, inflicting no damage.
    Yusuke811 assassinated and won, inflicting damage to Head of Z’uthmerak(-54)

    Yusuke811: I can’t attack…but I can assassinate.
    Common_Sense: aww, that’s bummer but assassins are more reliable than troops…You can be fine with Spies now.
    Yusuke811: Ty!
    Hioki567: How much is your Life, by the way?

    Common_Sense is viewing Hioki’s profile…

    Common_Sense: that is a nice Cs for a new beginning.
    Common_Sense: I have 138 life point so far.
    Hioki567: Mine’s 21/101
    Cherry516: Mine’s 125/125
    Yusuke811: 107 here.
    Common_Sense: we are all in same line. Just a minor digits between. :D we can all be something in future I hope.
    Yusuke811: what’s the item for phase 2? The tentacle thing.
    Common_Sense: guys I’m gonna unload to %50 troops. So I will be back in 30 min till my troops regen full. Nice to chat with ya all.
    Hioki567: See ya later!
    Common_Sense: btween you can use healing Aura for Tentacle, couldn’t resist telling u :D bbl.
    Yusuke811: Oh…I got it now!

    The Reckoning. Time Left: 9:17:14

    Angered, Z’uthmerak summons all its might, raising an entire sea of tentacles to confront your allied assault!

    Cherry516: 75%
    Hioki567: I’ll hit the tentacles. You guys hold your fire.
    Yusuke811: k

    Hioki567 used items and won, inflicting damage to Massive Tentacles (Port -92), Massive Tentacles (Starboard-90).

    Cherry516: Common, don’t forget that Driver has more than 900 life. You hadn’t seen his profile.

    2 minutes later…

    Hioki567: I think Common went out…

    And then three hours later…

    …and you have been rewarded 914,214,428 gold for your participation.

    Minho256: Basher last hit again…
    TheSuperBasher: that’s 5 times in a row now!
    Hioki567: Again! Minho, initiate eb.
    Minho256: Okay…
    Hioki567: It’s growing time!
  3. 28 February 1976

    Blockade has been defeated by TheSuperBasher! The entryway has been breached. Head in and take out the troll king.

    Hioki567: Eh…basher last hit again…
    TheSuperBasher: That makes it 48 times now!
    TomCheenJun: what’s next?
    Hioki567: Origins!
    Tekken716: Right away! :D

    The epic battle “Origins” has been initiated by Tekken716 and will start in 15 minutes.

    14 April 1976

    Hioki567: Recruit, recruit more people! We need to get to Apheriun epic battle quick!
    Cherry516: Welcome Vincent!
    V_I_N_C_E_N_T: ty admin.
    Yusuke811: Another new member! I love it!
    Hioki567: We have 28 members now.

    Common_Sense: back, sorry it takes more time for me. Congrats for ending SQUID.
    Hioki567: Common, do you know that today is 14 April 1976?
    Tekken716: We’re moving to The Haunting soon.
    Hioki567: Yeah…you stayed in TFP for 2 months already….
    Common_Sense: looool, I’m confused lil bit
    TomCheenJun: Omg, you really forget today’s 14 April?
    TheSuperBasher: Look, there’s someone named common sense who just lost on what date is today…:lol:
    Common_Sense: I must be on superfast roll  activating speed mode 
    Yusuke811: Ah ha ha ha ha! *laughs hard at common*
    Common_Sense: I caughted by wormhole errrgh

    Hioki567: My cs has changed significantly now. After 2 months, I am now 2mcs!
    Yusuke811: Me too! I have grown and explored 15 highlands already!
    Punishing_Driver: And I’m reaching almost 1,000 Life now.
    TomCheenJun: I explored 11 highlands and build all hatcheries to level 3 :p
    Tekken716: I see all of you have grown.
    Hioki567: No, wait. I am more than 2 million cs. Sorry.
    Common_Sense: imma focusing on my Epsonage for now, nd must get my head.
    Hioki567: Espionage?
    Common_Sense: ahh, another term for spies :p

    Hioki567: Anyway, Common….I thank you for your kind patience…
  4. Common_Sense: im on land 15 and it cost me more now. I must HTE to bank up big time
    Hioki567: HTE? You mean The Haunting?
    Common_Sense: yes. hte Haunting The Escape.

    Minho256: Bro, there’s no Haunting The Escape!
    Hioki567: Haunting The Escape not found on epic battle list…
    Cherry516: We have Calydor, Z’uthmerak, Usaris, Thorak and Apheriun. And of course…Kangen The Punisher.
    TheSuperBasher: omg…this common sense is losing his sense again…
    Tekken716: Common, are you dreaming that you escaped from the haunted skeletons?
    TheSuperBasher: Hahahahaha! :D
    Yusuke811: Guys, actually Common is really hilarious, you know? He’s confused here, he’s confused there…he confused everywhere…
    Common_Sense: awww, do you think I got stucked back there in 28 Feb 1976
    Common_Sense: im dreaming of that I was in wormhole, and my memories is messed up. Thank god I have you guys here. Due to my Bizarre imagination *phew*
    Tekken716: In Apheriun, we have until Figure Of Death. Haunting The Escape does not exist.
    Common_Sense: its maybe my vesions bluured about this hte things. I dunno.
    Common_Sense: im seeking for decent ally. Not dead like large dead fish in beach 

    Yusuke811: You can hire me! My hire value is 157 billion.
    Common_Sense: wow, its much more than a thought hehehe I can take you less than 120b so far. But thank you Yusuke for offer.
    Yusuke811: Ok!
    Common_Sense: I will do more, hits and keep on EB most actions so that I can get extra cash, for big value ally. And Yusuke my eyes on you.
    Hioki567: Wow, that’s kind of you. Mr. Common Sense
    Common_Sense: yeah sure, anyway guys im gonna throw some ads in WC, please follow me. I need the ad. Thanks.
    Hioki567: No, we don’t do that.
    Tekken716: WC is no longer a safe place…I will tell you this now…
    Common_Sense: oh! Is that right, forgive me for my foolish demands. Im new and not acknowledges the real system. Please tell me.
    Minho256: You really didn’t pay full attention to what’s going on, do you?
    Common_Sense: yes I do, but some Question is rolling inside my brains. So CC is safer to spit it out. So you guys are helping me too much.

    Hioki567: Firstly, there are 4 classes. Conquerer, Monarch, Defender and Medical. In other words, we have one medical class kingdom in our clan. That’s Cherry516.
    Common_Sense: wooow, I missed that for real, so I’m so much more focusing on it. Really thankful Hioki 

    Hioki567: Secondly, your Life. The third bar beside your soldiers and spies.

    Common_Sense: yup, just things got stuck on I putting stuff right on there places noe
    Cherry516: When your life reaches 0, you die.
    Hioki567: Your account will get deleted permanently off the system, and you cannot play Kingdoms At War again.
    Common_Sense: oh yeah. That what is im looking for, the Extra action
    Tekken716: Life damage is capped to 40 per attack hit at maximum. It depends on your attack strength. The stronger, higher the damage.
    Hioki567: If you lose an attack you will not inflict any damage to the defender, though.
    Common_Sense: I apologiez coz my illness is causing my memory lost.
    Common_Sense: thank you a lot whom ever,…reminde me about missing links.
    Hioki567: No problem, and you’re welcome…Common.

    14 February 1976, 9:15 PM

    Usaris has been defeated by TheSuperBasher! Usaris is struck down, his tyrannic rule has ended. Your kingdoms rejoice in triumph at his defeat.

    **UPDATE** A Hystricidae Helmet was found (Hioki567, Yusuke811)

    Your clan completed “Origins” and you have been rewarded 2,716,412,958 gold for your participation.

    TomCheenJun: congrats Hioki and Yusuke!!
    Tekken716: Put on your new equipments! It’s gonna be awesome!
    Hioki567: All right!
    TanWaiKen: congrats!
    Hioki567: Thanks all!
    Yusuke811: So, what’s next?
    Tekken716: Can you guys hit? If yes, I will initiate The Haunting onwards.
    Hioki567: I can hit it now. I’m 2mcs. What about you guys?
    TheSuperBasher: Yes, I can.
    Punishing_Driver: I can too.
    Yusuke811: Not yet…I still get some defeats in this epic battle…
    TanWaiKen: I’m not strong enough yet.
    Hioki567: Ok, Tekken! Maybe we shall move on to Thorak The Destroyer’s Ambush! A lot of newbies can hit it. What do you think?

    V_I_N_C_E_N_T: Wow, nice idea to consider for the smaller ones first.
    Yusuke811: Let’s go for it!!
    Jun_Matachi: Ambush then!!! I wanna grow!
    Minho256: I’ll say Ambush! Because if we grow our smaller guys here, we will have more power on The Haunting, as well as some harder ebs.
    Tekken716: Then it’s decided!!

    The epic battle “Ambush” has been initiated by Tekken716 and will start in 15 minutes.

    Hioki567: Are you guys ready??
    Yusuke811: Yeah!
    Jun_Matachi: Fueled up! :p
    TanWaiKen: Me three!
    TheSuperBasher: :lol:
    Hioki567: Let’s grow to become the best!!! Charge, everyone!

    14 February 1976 end, PART 8 Ended
  5. Legend/Key:

    This color: Done by a different actor of kaw player. *I do not come up the messages*

    Green username: Owner Of The Fourth Prefecture
    Cherry516's color: Lead Female
    Orange: Hioki567's notifications
    Hioki567's color: Main Character

    If you want to give a feedback/reply, you can post to this question thread here:

    Kingdoms At War: The Story(Discussion/Feedback Thread)

    Part 9 will be released in 21 December 2014.

  6. What happened to the section for stories that don't show on AT?

    Edit: no offence OP
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