Kingdoms At War: The Story(Part 3)

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by sean893, Nov 9, 2014.

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  1. PART 3
    -Still at 11 February 1976, but around 9:00 PM-

    Hioki567: Who are you?
    Tekken716: I am here to help you.
    Hioki567: Help me?
    Tekken716: What you did just now is just getting some really low gold. But here, I am inviting you to see greater things. You are a new player, aren’t you?
    Hioki567: …Yeah.
    Tekken716: Then will you come to join me? Our clan is named The Fourth Prefecture? I will explain everything to you later on.

    Hioki: The way he invites is so welcoming…but if I don’t join…I can’t get even stronger…but I really need to find the player killer soon…what should I do? Accept his invitation or keep going back to quest or battle mode?

    Pressure began to fill in Hioki’s mind. He’s having a tough choice to choose…right now…
    He thought about it for one minute….

    Hioki567: Okay, Tekken. I’m in. But how do I join your clan?
    Tekken716: You go to my profile, and there you see the clan name “The Fourth Prefecture”. There you click it and then you can see the “apply to join” button. Click that.
    Hioki567: All right. I applied.

    Hioki receives a notification moments later

    You have been accepted into the clan “The Fourth Prefecture”.

    Tekken716: The clan chat is now open. Go and have a look at it!
    And he begins to open up the new Clan Chat that was now accessible….
  2. -The Fourth Prefecture Clan Chat-

    Minho254: how much more until you can explore your fifth HL?
    TheSuperBasher: 2 billion
    Gary_The_Great: lol ahahahahaa!
    Tekken716: Welcome Hioki567!
    TheSuperBasher: welcome!!!
    Cherry516: welcome hioki
    Punishing_Driver: Welcome to The Fourth Prefecture!
    Hioki567: What is this??
    Tekken716: This is the Clan Chat. Where everyone you see here is our clanmates.
    Punishing_Driver: You can also call us new friends!
    Hioki567: Wow…I mean, that’s awesome. Right?
    Tekken716: but before that, let’s give you a surprise….Cherry, volley him.
    Cherry516: not me again….fine!

    Hioki receives notifications continuously, as they keep popping out

    You were hired by Tekken716 as an ally.
    You were hired by Cherry516 as an ally.
    You were hired by Tekkn716 as an ally.
    You were hired by Cherry516 as an ally.

    Hioki567: What is this? Why you guys keep hiring me?
    Tekken716: We are volleying you so that you can get gold. This is the real thing.

    You were hired by Tekken716 as an ally.
    You were hired by Cherry516 as an ally.
    You were hired by Tekkn716 as an ally.
    You were hired by Cherry516 as an ally.

    The notifications didn’t stop, and each time Hioki got hired he got even more gold. After around 135 times of being hired, his has now 67,412,438 gold and his new hire value is now 8,315,214,824.

    Hioki567: Gee, thanks!
    Cherry516: don’t mention it.
    Tekken716: You’re welcome!

    With that much money, Hioki explores all the way to having 13 lands. Now having 43,712,438 gold left, he decides to build Forges to strengthen his army even more. Now having 5 Forges, plus the 2 Workshops upgraded to level 3, and his guild is now level 2…

    Hioki567’s stat is now 10,800/6,200/900/900.
    Hioki567: I have upgraded myself finally!
    Tekken716: Good!
    Punishing_Driver: And now try to hit our epic battle here!
    Hioki567: Epic battle?
    Minho254: The Forgotten Ones. We are currently doing this right now.

    Hioki is now looking at the epic battle

    The Forgotten Ones, Phase 1/1

    Devicitus The Saviour: 100%
    Elestrial The Just: 1,524/17,385
    Seraphis The Great: 17,423/64,800
    Celest The Angelic: 2,524/7,800
    Nerrisius The Wanderer:32,000/32,000

    Time Left: 5:13:41

    Minho254: You can try to attack, scout, steal or assassinate here. This epic battle is called The Forgotten Ones.
    TheSuperBasher: Hioki, did you have any ally with you?
    Hioki567: No…I didn’t
    TheSuperBasher: Then you better go and hire an ally first now!
    Tekken716: Hioki, before you assassinate, you better buy an item called Bribery Gem first. Around 500.
    Hioki567: Okay!!

    Hioki used all his remaining money to buy a 35 million ally, plus stocking up 500 bribery gems

    Hioki567: Done!
    TheSuperBasher: Now go and attack!!

    Hioki attacks the epic battle. Using his troops…

    Victory! Plunder: 153,432. Allies Bonus: 576,242. Total gold earned: 729,674. Impact on target- Seraphis The Great(-54)

    Hioki567: Whoa! So much gold!
    TheSuperBasher: I know right! Now try the other actions…and don’t assassinate Nerissius yet.
    Cherry516: You should use the bribery gems on Nerissius first. When his Hp reaches half, he’s open to assas.
    Hioki567: Assas?
    Cherry516: Omg, you cannot even read? >.< It’s short form for assassination.
    TheSuperBasher: Cherry, chill! Hioki’s a new player, so we’re guiding him.
    Cherry516: I don’t care anymore.
    Tekken716: Cherry’s always like this. No hard feelings, Hioki.
    Hioki567: Okay!

    Hioki tried stealing, using the bribery gem and scouting. It all worked well. There was no defeats. He is starting to learn a new thing throughout this game

    Hioki567: This is awesome!!
    Tekken716: Haha…look at the battle log!
  3. Hioki opens the new Battle Log

    Hioki567 stole and won, inflicting damage to Celest The Angelic (-48)
    TheSuperBasher attacked and won, inflicting damage to Seraphis The Great (-285)
    Hioki567 attacked and won, inflicting damage to Seraphis The Great (-55)
    Cherry516 attacked and won, inflicting damage to Seraphis The Great (-114)
    Minho254 used items and won, inflicting damage to Nerissius The Wanderer (-91)
    Tekken716 scouted and won, inflicting damage to Elestrial The Just (-104)
    Cherry516 stole and won, inflicting damage to Celest The Angelic(-65)
    Tekken716 attacked and won, inflicting damage to Seraphis The Great (-541)
    Hioki567 attacked and won, inflicting damage to Seraphis The Great (-54)
    TheSuperBasher scouted and won, inflicting damage to Elestrial The Just (-85)

    Tekken716: This is the Battle log. It records all of our hits on this epic battle. When you attack on the battle, your name will show on the Battle Log.
    Hioki567: Got it!
    TheSuperBasher: Epic battles are in groups. We can all attack it together. It’s better plundering than quests.
    Minho254: And when we finish an epic battle, we get bonus gold rewards. You will get it too, Hioki.
    Tekken716: And that, is how epic battles work. We gain money faster than questing.
    Hioki567: That’s awesome!!!
    Tekken716: Now, now, don’t get too excited. There’s a lot more you have yet to learn, and I’m going to explain it to you now.
    Hioki567: All right.
    Tekken716: Do you see your Life meter right at the below of your Soldiers and Spies?

    Hioki looks at his Life meter again. It was 98/100.

    Hioki567: Yeah, 98/100. I was attacked by a player earlier, once.
    Cherry516: That is the life of you. It is the most important part of all 3 bars.
    Tekken716: When you want to attack someone, you can enable life damage to them, but life damage is optional. You can choose not to take their life if you just want their gold. Be aware, that spy actions will NOT damage your life.

    Hearing what Tekken has said, it made him thought of what happened earlier just after the end of the Tutorial.

    Hioki567: Tekken, there’s someone who assassinated me before I joined you. Once. My life remained the same.
    Tekken716: That is called a spy action. They assassinate you to kill your “troops”, but ain’t actually attacking you. Notice the notification saying “…assassinated your troops/units”. The same goes for scout and steal. There is no Life damage on spy actions, only by attacking using soldiers.
  4. Hioki567: What happens if my Life reaches 0?
    Cherry516: If your life goes 0, you will be permanently deleted. Meaning you’re no longer in the game and cannot play again.
    Hioki567: WHAT??? Seriously???
    Cherry516: Yes. And that’s why it’s a waste for you to come here..-
    TheSuperBasher(interrupting): Cherry, you are being too rough. Just stop!
    Minho254: You’re being rude to our new guest. Can’t you see Tekken is trying to guide Hioki here?
    Tekken716: Hioki, ignore Cherry. She’s always like this.
    Cherry516: Again, I don’t care.
    Tekken716: Anyway, what Cherry said just now is true. When your life reaches 0, you will die.
    Hioki567: I…die?
    Tekken716: That is, you will be automatically deleted by the system, and when that happens, you cannot play again and won’t be able to create a new one.

    Hearing this from Tekken716, it made him think about Jin’s kill on the World Chat.

    Hioki567: I see.
    Tekken716: Conquerer class kingdoms get 1 max life per 72 hours, monarch gets 1 max life per 48 hours and defenders 1 max life per 24 hours.
    Tekken716: Dying is a sad thing to watch, indeed.
    Hioki567: Do you know any way that can protect me from this?
    TheSuperBasher: Well, there is a defense item named “Shield Of Protection.” You use it to activate it on the person whom you wish to protect.
    Hioki567: How does this shield thing work?
    Minho254: Go to the marketplace or supplies, and when you see the shield item, click it and it will pop up a white typing bar to type out the username you want to protect. For example, I type your name “Hioki567” on it and click Activate. Then you will be protected by me against incoming hits.
    Cherry516: Hioki, should an attacker attempts to attack you, the person will end up attacking Minho instead, for example. And the attacker have to compete against Minho’s combined stats if he is to win.
    Cherry516: The shield will only work against attacks, though.
    Hioki567: Ok….So the shield will not work on spy actions?
    Cherry516: It won’t. The shield is meant for protecting your life, not your gold or stuff.
    Tekken716: It costs 10 million gold to buy one shield. Again, it is a defense item.
    Hioki567: I got it.

    Five minutes later…

    Tekken716: Devicitus 4%
    TheSuperBasher: I’ll go for the final kill!
    Minho254: :p

    In Hioki’s notification

    Myrmidons has been defeated by TheSuperBasher. Defeated at last, the Myrmidons come to their senses, grateful to you for breaking them free. With Z’uthmerak’s threat still looming, it seems you have a common score to settle.
    Your clan completed “The Forgotten Ones” and you have been rewarded 256,195,124 gold for your participation!

    Hioki567: Thank you, all. I’ve gotten so much gold thanks to you guys.
    Tekken716: You’re welcome, Hioki. And thank you for joining us.
    Hioki567: I need to go to sleep now. It’s getting late here.
    TheSuperBasher: Good night, Hioki!
    Tekken716: Good night! I hope to see what you can do tomorrow.
    Cherry516: good night…

    11 February 1976 end

  5. Legend/Key=

    Hioki567's username color: Main Character
    Green username: Owner of the The Fourth Prefecture
    Cherry516's username color: Lead Female
    Orange: Hioki567's notification

    The next part (4) will be released in estimated 16 November 2014.
    If you would like to give a comment/rating, you can do so by replying on the Discussion/Feedback/Question Thread.

    NOTE: These characters do not actually have a spell that changes their color of username. In actual, their username is just plain white.

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