Kingdoms At War: The Story(Part 2)

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by sean893, Nov 1, 2014.

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  1. PART 2
    -11 February 1976-

    As Masashi Hioki opens Kingdoms At War, he has to fill in the mandatory requirements to create a Kaw account before he can start playing.

    Hioki Masashi, after filling up all the information needed by the system, he chooses his username as Hioki567

    Hioki: Yoossh! Here we go!

    The system now says Pick Banner: Choose the war banner for your kingdom. There are 4 types:
    1=Conquerer Class Kingdom: The crimson banner of the Conquerer represents kingdoms destined for endless war.
    2=Monarch Class Kingdom: The serene green banner of the Monarch represents a balanced kingdom.
    3=Defender Class Kingdom: The stalwart blue banner symbolizes the strength of defensive kingdoms.
    4=Medical Class Kingdom: This white banner represents kingdoms whose job is to heal other people's fallen soldiers and spies, as well as bringing them back from the dead.

    Hioki: Hmm…which one should I pick?

    The thoughts of the mind seeking to find out the truth about what happened of Jin’s kill. Because of this, he decides to choose the Conquerer Class Kingdom since this class focuses on attacking aggressively.

    Registered into the kaw system finally as Hioki567, with choosing a Conquerer Class Kingdom..

    “Welcome to Kingdoms At War!’

    Build Tutorial.

    Step 1: Explore the land to the right. = Welcome to your kingdom. Start constructing buildings and train an army to defend yourself! Explore the dark land to the right of your Town Hall.

    Hioki clicks the dark land and explores.

    Step 2: Tap on the explored land. = The land is now explored! Explored land can be built upon and is no longer dark. Tap again on the explored land to construct a building that trains soldiers.

    Hioki: Tutorial, eh?

    Hioki once again clicks the explored land

    Step 3: Construct a military building= Military Buildings automatically trains soldiers for your time. As you construct and upgrade your buildings you will get a larger army and unlock powerful soldiers.

    There are three buildings available.

    1: Workshop. Trains= Battering Ram (attack: 40. Defense: 20. Spy attack :0. Spy Defense: 0)
    2: Stable. Trains= Calvalry (attack: 30. Defense: 30. Spy Attack: 0. Spy Defense: 0)
    3: Barracks. Trains= Pikeman (attack: 20. Defense 40. Spy Attack: 0. Spy Defense: 0)

    Hioki decides to build a Workshop knowing that he is a conquerer class kingdom. Then, following Step 4, he explores the land on the left of his Castle and then builds a Guild as instructed by the Tutorial.

    Attack an enemy Kingdom= Choose an enemy kingdom to invade. Attacking enemy kingdoms is the best way to earn plunder and grow more powerful.

    Target 1= Az’ Ghul the Barbarian. Conquerer Class Kingdom.
    Target 2= Lord Arakar. Monarch Class Kingdom
    Target 3= King Bazorias. Defender Class Kingdom

    Victory! Hioki567 has plundered 3,000 gold and although he lost 100 soldiers, he has defeated 200 enemy soldiers. In no time Hioki was finally part of Kingdoms At War and his journey begins. There was once last message before he begins, saying:

    “Welcome! Explore land and construct buildings to become to become the most powerful kingdom in the land! Battle other kingdoms and complete Quests for gold. Hire Allies to boost your attack, defense and spy stats. Thanks for playing!”

    Hioki: So much for the tutorial…oh well!
  2. Hioki567 now has 30,000 gold and 12 Nobility. He has 3 lowland buildings. On the top of the screen he has three bars.

    1: Soldiers = 500/500
    2: Spies= 500/500
    3: Life= 100/100

    Hioki decides to explore a fourth land, costing him 5,000 gold to do so. After that, he decides to build one more Workshop, costing him another 25,000 gold making it zero.. After exploring his 4th lowland, Hioki got his first achievement.

    Achievement: Explorer Level 1 Unlocked= Explored 4 lands.

    After then, Hioki is looking at the World Chat once again.

    Dark_Blaster: The Depraved, no min cs! Join now! Perms wanted!
    LiJun177: need help in The Reckoning, 2 hrs left pls thanks!!
    Pushy_F_Pushy: any war 4?
    1234567_B_890: Join Gulliver Travels! No min cs. Come get your equips!!
    Donton843: is there any origins? I would like to go in.

    Hioki: And these people are not aware of Jin’s killing? Hmph….I wonder how much more longer before I see someone else gets killed…well, nevermind.

    Hioki decides to look on Quests. In there he sees a variety of quests available with varied difficulty. He decides to do Excavate, and the payout is 2,400 to 3,000 gold.

    Quest completed! Soldiers lost: 16. Gold Gained: 2,834.

    Hioki: I see. So that’s how quest works. If I am to do that, I can gain some money…good source.

    Then he decides to go to the “Battle” list. He founds some players on the same size as him. He chooses to Attack john1845. In that popped up a screen showing whether he wanted to enable Life Damage.

    Hioki: Oh…I see..I can also deal life damage to the opponent when I want to…Okay! I’ll give it a try!

    With Hioki enabling Life Damage, he attacks john1845 using troops. On showed his screen:

    Plunder: 11,026
    Allies Bonus: 0
    Soldiers Lost: 20. Enemy Soldiers Lost: 22
    Life Damage: 1
    Achievement unlocked! Conquerer Level 1= 1 successful attack on opponent kingdom

    Hioki: So I attack a person and I get gold from that player? And then I deal some life damage? Okay, I got it!

    Suddenly, Hioki567 receives a notification indicating he was attacked.

    You were attacked by kdawg488 and lost!
    They took 11,026 gold and inflicted 2 Life Damage to you.

    On that note, Hioki567’s life is now 98/100.

    Hioki: So it works the same when I get attacked by someone…and the attacker enables life damage on me…Okay.

    So Hioki decided to use his troops on quests. He would like to keep his soldiers above 300/500 so that he thinks he has more attack strength. He quested and he quested…and after 5 minutes later, he received another 2 notifications at once.

    An enemy assassinated your troops. Someone assassinated your units!
    You were attacked by Bunny_Girl and lost! They took 13,421 gold from you.

    Hioki decides to attack Bunny_Girl back in return, enabling Life Damage this time.

    Soldiers Lost: 47
    Enemy Soldiers Lost: 9
    Life Damage: 0

    This was because Hioki did not have enough troops. He has 416/500 troops when he attacked Bunny. Now Hioki has 369 soldiers left. And he notices his life meter at 98/100.

    Hioki: Ouch! That was a bit painful. Didn’t take any life damage though. I guess the attacker didn’t enable life damage on me. Anyway! Hah! I’m gonna quest today and see what I can get out!

    For about an hour, Hioki decides to keep questing. He knows this would be a safer way without hitting other players. He then suddenly receives another notification.

    You were hired by Yunjitomochi as an ally. Yunjitomochi hired you. You made 47 gold.

    Hioki: What’s this? I’m being hired by someone? All right, let go and take a look at this person…

    Yunjitomochi= Monarch Class Kingdom. No status message.
    Attack: 800. Defense: 400. Spy Attack: 150. Spy Defense: 150.
    Hire Value: 11,025. Owner: KeepapyTheGreat

    This player also have the same achievement as Hioki, for the Explorer and Conquerer(4 lands explored, 1 successful attack.)

    Hioki: So he’s doing what I was doing…building the same buildings as I build…my stats was exactly the same as his in everything...Hmph.
  3. Hioki decides to hire an ally named TeddytheStone

    You successfully hired a new ally!

    Hioki: Yessh! Now I can be a little bit stronger with my troops now.

    Ten seconds later, he receives another notification..

    Your ally, TeddytheStone was hired away from you. Res15lkas hired TeddyTheStone away from you. You got your 16,813 gold back and made 125 gold profit!

    Hioki: Oh man….Wait! At least I got a profit. That’s nice.

    Learning from that, he continues to buy allies while questing, even though his allies get hired seconds later.

    Hioki: Heheh! This is so good! I’m going to become stronger soon!!

    Hioki began to keep questing and laughed as he kept getting gold continuously. He then explored his fifth land, costing him 30,000 gold. And even with that, he decided to build yet another Workshop to strengthen his army.

    But things began to change…as a player suddenly started posting a message to his wall. He sees a notification on the news.

    Tekken716 wrote on your wall. Tekken716 left you a comment.

    Hioki opens up his wall. It read:

    Tekken716: Would you like to join our clan, The Fourth Prefecture? There is no minimum cs requirement. We would love to have you here as our new player.

    This began to make him curious. Who is that person? He has never seen that player before, and yet he’s being offered to go to a place he has never known yet…a clan!

    Hioki then decides to wall Tekken716 in return to Tekken’s wall.

    Hioki567: Who are you?

    -PART 2 END-
  4. NOTE:

    This Part of the story has been sent to a quick scan by the developers to ensure that it doesn't violate Terms of Use.
  5. Legend:

    Orange: Hioki567's notifications and attack/defense results.
    Light green: Viewing someone's profile.
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