The Hunt of a Lifetime/Sign-up

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Marodo, Jul 13, 2010.

  1. Presented by iWrite co.
    The Hunt of a Lifetime
    This story contains monsters from Monster Hunter 3 (TM). I do not own any of these titles they belong to Capcom (TM). I dont own tht either. Sign-ups start now.

    A small description:
    4-5 men have been great friends sonce birth. They each live in the Agom village. When all of a sudden a boat appears on their shore and the men that come out are hunters from Cal Col city. The reason they came is because of a shortage of food.

    Oh i also need villains. The setup can be like this:

    Short Desc.:

    You can also make your own villages or city.
  2. Are these medivel weapons??
  3. Name Matt
    weapon bow and arrow
    side villan
    bio has a mortal nemises (u can put who)
    betrayed the hero side(optional)
  4. Race elf if not then human
  5. Name:Rulison
    Weapon:Spear and shield
    Race: Human
    Description:parents abandoned him while they were taking a walk in the forest. He was 8 at the time, and was found and trained by a hermit who knew the ways of the Greek Phalanx. Rulison was taught how to use the Spear and Shield by this hermit.
  6. Nice chracter ruli! Same to u mat!
  7. I just thought of it in a few seconds. Btw I don't know the races and human is usually the default so lol
  8. Bjorn
    Double sided axe
    Raised by a wealthy family and taught how to fight at a young age
  9. Oh, I would like to add bronze armor onto my character.the shield and spear are also bronze
  10. Lol well thirs elf, dwarf, hobbit, human, Isan (original from me, its a character who lives in the arctic and has white hair, white or gray eyes. And tannish white skin.), Firis (light brown/blonde hair, Redish eyes. Tan. Another original).
  11. Ok I'll stick with human then.
  12. Name: Utho
    Race: Isan
    Side: Good
    Description: After an enemy tribe destroyed his village when he was a month old, he and his father, moved south. He's one of the five friends
  13. Thx for using my race utho, btw isan r invincible to ice, and extremely cold conditions. Firas r invincivble to fire and extremely hot conditions
  14. Oh and Look: White hair, gray eyes, kinda small. Carries a small sword with him everywhere.
  15. Your welcome
  16. A oh I forgot to add that bjorn is good