A fake smile?

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *theforgottenone (01), Jul 11, 2010.

  1. What do you think a fake smile is. Is it a way to face something but not face it truthfully or is it a way to run way so you don't have to face anything.

    Now what do you think it is?
  2. I think there are different kind of fake smiles...
    There are those you make in front of people you care about even when you are about to break down and fall apart...but still you make it because you do not want any sadness passed to them...

    Also those dishonest fake smiles used to decieve someone for personal gains or advantages...a mask to hide ones true colors...

    And a fake smile just used so much that has become an irremovable mask that you hide in because you can't face something...

    But in the end you are still hiding something whichever one you are
  3. agree with thete are all kinds of fake smiles ones that confort ones the hide ur true feelings or emotions and then there r just fake ones lol
  4. When you try to hid something from someone

    when you take a picture and your not happy and this (no lie)
  5. It's when the happiness doesn't reach your eyes.
    Your eyes are the windows to your soul after all.
  6. A fake smile is also called a skill in diplomacy
  7. oh someone posted here again and sry for puting this in the wrong place
  8. Why the hell was this bumped?
  9. Fake smile is good for almost any situation