The Son of God - Feedback

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Legacy-Darke-Legend (01), Jul 17, 2011.

  1. This is the feedback thread for my Story, the Son of God. Please keep all posts here referring to the story. I do not need any sign ups, so don't post characters. Here's the story - The Son of God

    If you post here with comments, then I'll try to notify you when I put up new chapters. :)

    Good reading to you all!
  2. Great story so far!! Very interesting. I only reccomend pasing yourself a tiny bit more. Good job!
  3. Chapter 2 is out now! Go read it here!
  4. I just can't stop writing! :lol: Ah, gripped in my own tale, watching it unfold beneath my fingers, it truly is a discovery to myself what my characters will do next... they really do have their own personalities, and won't stick to my script! :eek:

    Chapter Three, available now... all you have to do is click...
  5. ༄What can I say? Well written, ideas properly thought-out. What more can be better? It is truly a masterpiece! Amazing! Post more! Else death shall near you ;P༄

  6. Says Mr. monthly chapters 

    Good job though 
  7. ༄Psh... Pimella, it's complicated lol.༄

  8. Very good story so far, can't wait for the next chapter.
  9. Just skimmed it, but it's well written from the small bits I've read. When I have more time I'll read the whole thing.
  10. I love the story and can't wait until the next chapter 
  11. Sorry y'all I've been away camping, I'm back on now so I'm typing :)

  12. It is back! I am very sorry folks I've had all number of holdups but now Chapter 4 is up! Go read it quick! :)

    If the start is a bit slow for you then don't worry, everything will start heating up from now on...

  13. I like the way you're developing the plot.
  14. Chapter 5 has hit the FanFicForums! Check it out and please, please give feedback!

  15. Lovely chapter 
  16. Chapter 5 is very interesting - it reminds me of the Eragon series. Good job!
  17. More tomatoes!

    (And story)
    (and wombats)
    (and Writer's Rum)
    (Scratch the writer's rum I'm wobbly enough already)