Skeletal Onslaught

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Kasama, Nov 1, 2014.

  1. Day 2
    That ominous green oval in the sky. Our parents used to speak of it in ghost tales saying it heralds the rebirth of the Skeleton King, Alpherium. I recall this all too familiar chill. Time to gather our troops and prepare.

    Day 30
    I've begun to lose count of our heavy casualties and as our numbers dwindle; theirs increase. I fear that my fellow assassins can't withstand this barrage. We've devised a plan to leave our den and approach our allies; the Angus Empire
    With troops trained in ranged combat, surely they'd be fine.
    It should be a 2-3day hike if we leave tomorrow.

    Day 32
    We've encountered a skeletal assault.
    They appear to be travelling in small organised packs.
    Sleep is not an option as these creatures do not rest.
    My eyes grow weary writing this.
    We must arrive at our allies fort.
    Let us hope the undead are not at their walls.

    Day 34
    It appears the gods are not kind.
    The walls of angus, smeared with blood and soot.
    The mighty general angus, defeated by Alpheium's grunts, pitiful.
    We take refuge here.

    Day 35
    At daybreak, we hear the mighty kingdom of AJ. Is Alive and fighting the Alpherium horde.
    We must leave immediately to aid their forces.

    Day 37
    Shield against sword, mettle against metal. Our war cries reach the ears of Balto. Bringing a pack of untrained street rabble, they join our ranks as meat shields.

    Day 38
    Balto's men were inexperienced; rushing into combat. They did well in their role. However none were left standing. We cremate their corpses to assure they do not return.

    Day 39
    Our forces have grown in size with the addition of Phoenix's Kill Squad.
    They appear to more skilled than even my assassin's.
    The green light shines bright in the sky, it points the way to our retaliation.

    Day 41
    Torak has joined Alpherium's fleet. His rock armour destroyed leaving only a husk. Many men have fallen victim to his rage, escape is our only option.

    Day 42
    Scouts of RKOS have assisted us in escaping the Ambush set by the newly reborn Thorak.

    Day 43
    Rusted_Knight_of_Serenity's scouts have led us to RKOS's camp. Commander Rusted lends his forces in our campaign against Alpherium.

    Day 45
    Scouts from my unit have discovered that the green oval is resonating above the City of the Dead. It appears we make our final stand there.

    Day 50
    Our troops prepare to send a wave of conflict across Alpherium's legion.
  2. I don't frequent this topic.
    So feel free to assist me.
    I accept any and all criticism as long as it's constructive :lol:
    Thanks for reading :)
  3. This is a log book?
  4. Looks like a nice log book there!
    What happens next? Did the forces triumph against Apheriun?