Discussion in 'Wars' started by WR3CKT, Mar 23, 2017.

  1. Lets say devs realsed a banner and you have to put all your time into EBS and no wars. No doubt tou would make a thread conplainimg bout it on how unfair devs are you have to think about everyone not just tour selves
  2. Thats called all the original banners and their ugs levels drops are specifically from ebs whats your point? Literally your current banners is exactly what you just mentioned. Also love your fake banner with your wc and tracking records yet i see no war achieves.
  3. Support this can tie into the clan loyalty maybe, everyone under the same banner in same clan get additional perk, support to your idea cheers 
  4. This could be a great idea...imagine if you could get individual clan banners which can only be used while in the clan they are attained in... you could have upgrades for stats which unlock after you get clan achievements, for example; +1% to all stats for 2000 war actions, +.5% to all stats for 50k eb actions, +1% bonus plunder for accepting 1000 members or whatever, adjust so ppl are happy with upgrades & have them cost mith that's earned through warring. You could aquire different banners from different clans but the more actively involved you are in one clan & wars the higher your banner could get, still say it needs a cap though.
  5. Its my record since S1 lol