Not a New Idea but Devs please listen

Discussion in 'Wars' started by HiT__Huma__HiT, Jan 28, 2017.

  1. Hey Kawmunity,

    I know this is not a new idea and has been talked about for a while. I wanted to bring it back to the devs attention.

    KaW is a fun game because of the many levels you can play. There are system wars, off system wars, events for hitting eb/pvp and all the social aspects that come along with it. Devs market this and make money in order to keep the game going. Fair enough.

    One criticism has always been that the game does not fully support osw play. It seems like anything new to come out takes people away from hitting their targets. I for one would like to see a change.

    My suggestion is really simple. Once every couple of months the Devs shut down all events and ebs. It can be for a weekend or whole week. This would be randomly done and without warning. I think something this simple would allow people to take a break from the constant barrage of events and need to hit epic battles and engage in another fun and rewarding part of the game.

    For those trolls that will say it's been asked before, Devs won't do it cause it does not make money, or are afraid to get their hands dirty in osw I suggest you be part of a solution.

    Thoughts appreciated
  2. I'm game, but as your last sentence states, devs most likely won't do it. If you remember the outcry from the first pvp event, it would be like that but on a much larger scale.

    Buy who knows, devs have been pretty open the last week or so. Anything is possible.
  3. For whatever reason over half of the active players just like to hit epic battles and collect allies,event rewards,and just socialize.
    Yes it's war game,but it's also a social game.
    It wouldn't be fair to those that pay and also finically keep the game up to expose them to pvp they may not like or have time for
    The osw players/group is an exclusive club not many are willing to join
  4. Lol u still believe the Devs care,poor Huma,now stop staring thur my window 
  5. No support, hit whatever you want to hit. Noone forcing you to hit one or the other.
  6. Not only would it not be fair, this would hands down kill the game. I know OP that your sitting there in your chair being all bothered that people don't want to Pvp "like old kaw" but consider for a moment that kaw had a terrible player retention. The single idea of OSW is to decimate your opponent ending most of the time in the loser quitting the game. If you shut down ebs and events for a week you would lose 30%+ players who don't care to Pvp and wouldn't log back in a week later to pick up where they left off. Just accept the fact that the game has grown and changed and stop trying to kill it.

    Edit: side note, I'm casted this weekend and my battle list is literally only showing 4 people. The same 4 people since Friday afternoon when I got off work. This alone means that the amount of people who share your "shut down ebs" vision is prolly less than 1% of the kawmunnity. If the people in my hit rage that are casted is that low I can only assume it's much worse at the top tier.
  7. Just get tougher clan mates that won't run away but will fight to the end, if there is any end
  8. Just get tougher clan mates that won't run away but will fight to the end, if there is any end
  9. Arrow! Put some clothes on bro!!!!
  11. The events killed retention also. The pay to play got so bad many like myself quit. Surely The kawmunity can handle a couple
    Days every once a while where there are no ebs running. You saying that out of 365 days a year it's too much to ask for a couple weeks of eb breaks?
  12. Yes it is too much to ask. I'm a 6 year player and when I started you had to grow off the battle list. Osf weren't even really a thing yet. I spent almost 5 years in OSW and finally my real life took priority over losing sleep to catch strips. If they stopped events/ebs for a week I would quit playing personally. And this is coming from someone with enough OSW experience to actually speak on the matter. You have to consider that these days the App Store is FLOODED with games just like this. Take away what 90% of the games population thrives on and they will just download the next game on the list and stop playing kaw. So lf the game loses mabey 10 players like yourself then it's not much of a loss. If the game losses 90% of its players well... then it's just FC and we all saw kaw shut that down in a year. Sorry OP but this isn't a viavble option to expand the game or to retain the players the game has left.
  13. Your opinion means nothing to me so you can save it indefinitely.

    Just know that when you came back from your break, and your clan name wasn't hit anymore, I had a hand to play in that. Talk in my nf when you catch up ;)
  14. You silly he/she person. If what I have seen in the last month is any indication of how you lead I am guessing your just bore people to death? Encourage all talk with no action?

    Anyhow, back to the thread. If this is not a viable way to entertain everyone. What are some other thoughts?
  15. They did it once, in a way. They made a pvp event with everyone active, people complained about having too much gold out to participate in a pvp event.
  16. I remember that. Everyone's banks got killed. Lol. Hence the pvp system we have now. Maybe a mix of this with a couple day, heck one day eb shutdown?
  17. Everyone has a slightly differing take on this game. Some like to do ebs only, some like to do EE wars, some like to do PvP events on the weekend and some like to do OSW. The sustenance of this game depends on catering to all the players (community as a whole). We cannot isolate one particular community, say ppl who like to OSW, and ask Devs cater to that alone. Your OP mentions Devs catering to event hunters alone. Your suggestion is the reversal of the same. If we want this game to progress and not stagnate, we need to understand the player base. Not everyone is on the same platform.

    Also, even the players involved in OSW hit ebs, target event items, organize trains etc.. so I doubt you ll find many people receptive to this idea.
  18. After some thought, I would support week long Pvp instead of weekend Pvp with top 10 Pvp dropping 40k items thus ensuring best drops from event. That keeps things running and offers more rewards for Pvp making people more likely to join. Would have to be scaled of course so you could choose one path or the other to reach event goals. Is that more of a compromise OP?
  19. Find/build a clan. Farm eb hunters. Pretty simple. Organize it yourself.