Discussion in 'Wars' started by FIorence, Jan 29, 2015.

  1. Hola.

    Constructive comments welcomed. Otherwise, kindly keep it to yourself. Just a post trying to voice out on the wars so far off-season. Hoping it'll reach out to the devs, (who apparently reads forum as according to the support email, and we're "advised" to bring it up in the forums)

    Dear devs,

    Wars off-season are getting more and more absurd in the match-ups. Be it in round wars or individual wars. Basically round wars are almost all no-matches every round. To stand in an objective point of view, I will not say remove round/primal (As people biased against one will say remove the other). It just has to be improved.

    How to improve, don't ask me, you guys are supposed to make changes or ensure that the wars happen. Be it giving incentives (Rewards? Equips/nobs/xtals/double miths?) or purely just a form of recognition, say, an achievement for being top plunder/top KO/whatever in 20 wars and such? Some of us warriors will say, we war for the sake for warring, no need such things. True to a certain extent, but to improve participation from others, we have to implement that somehow.

    Look at during the seasons, the number of wars happening is easily double or triple the number of wars off-season. Seasons give incentive, like the flag/banner, which people have the push to chase after. We need more of such events, in terms of warring.

    IMO devs, you are focusing way too much on eb events. Every few weeks there come another eb events. Creativity, I agree, but can it stop being an eb event? Can you at least try to put more effort in the war area?

    We all know the system is still flawed, you know I know. In terms of matchups in Individual Wars especially, if a top10 allies LB cast for war, you basically dump him with a lot of smalls and opposite you give them like 10 LB. 10LB vs 5LB , how to war? :roll:

    Think of it feasibly. It's becoming so common that some of us call it the Red/Cella/IMF/DT Factor, where whichever wars they war in, they get a mismatch. Do you think it's fair to them? Even if they like warring, all these mismatches is bound to kill the war interest in the long run.

    You may ask, how to minimize the mismatches, Idk how exactly you are going to think of ways to do that, but one way is to increase the incentive for people to war so that more LB will cast, and with more people warring, that will lessen the cause for mismatch, right? As mismatch happens 'cos there isn't enough LB warring and all get lumped together in one side against the bigger LB.

    Some people find OSW fun, some find EB fun. Which the PvP event and tokens/wisps/bones/whatever events already satisfied them respectively. Maybe not completely, but to an extent. What about people who prefer wars? Has there been great changes or improvements or new exciting war stuffs for them? Or alters to the loopholes to better provide warring conditions?

    Improvements have to be made or people who play this game for wars are gonna get their interest killed.

    In a nutshell, devs, kindly take a bit more effort in improvising wars as compared to thinking up so many eb events. I'm sure us warriors will appreciate it a lot. :cool:
  2. it all comes down to how many people cast. even so stacking is still a problem. Casting alts is still a problem. Moles and inactives are still a problem.
  3. Well 1st off u started on Round War no match then lumped in Primal's. Different wars n Primals get matches n few clans enter Round wars hence no wars.

    Round wars r LB/SH exploit..
    Primals r PS1/Hybrid stacked for most top clans n some go huge.
    IWars r pot luck.
  4. Devs either need to add more incentives to get more people to war to fix problems or cap BFA in round and individual wars to prevent huge mismatches.

    Those are only 2 fixes.
  5. just remove the hit restrictions altogether. do that and you fix a lot of the trouble
  6. Hard to argue against that
  7. It indeed is. But to even make a change in the first place. It has to start from somewhere. Alts/Moles/Inactives is another whole new issue where it's the person's own responsibility.

    I know. Main point is improvements to wars IN GENERAL. Not about why rounds had no matches and whether primals have match or not. Pls re-digest.

    That I agree. They have to get down to it. Basically nothing done to wars so far.. Just same schedule same system every week. :(
  8. Not in Round Wars cuz SH pay lousy still
  9. Shhhhh buy more seals to subdue your frustration
  10. doesn't matter least you can hit them and take them out of play
  11. Nothing to re-digest as far as Primals go atm.
    Its no BFA/BFE war to counter Round War so as war clans can war. The incentives for clan wars r hindering more participation. IWars r popular with or without fixes.
  12. You're not really getting the point. Not sure how I have to put it across to you. I didn't say IWars isn't popular. If you think current IWars are perfect without fixes then.... Ok. I have nothing to say
  13. Exactly FIorence.

    Too much emphasis has been done on numerous events.

    A lot of the community still love good old fashion EE wars ( Be it iwar, Primal or round). However nothing much has been done on improving it and this will result in lesser participation and no matches.

    Bring back more interest & excitement for players to join EE wars.

    Dev we need you guys to put on your thinking cap and not just on promos & events
  14. Devs need to understand that if one team has the bigger lb that the other team should not have like 5more lbs then the team with bigger lb :lol:
  15. I agree that a vast majority of matchup issues can be solved with more participation.

    But, I think part of the reason round wars get so many no matches is the same reason those premade roster wars have always done so - if you're not the right build there's a huge chance you won't get into a warring clan or if you do it sucks. That doesn't promote participation - and considering I'd think a large chunk of KaW doesn't war as a primary habit but rather just as something fun to do now and then it kills participation. It's almost like the people who war a ton shot themselves in the foot - they went the distance to change build to be the best but at the same time isolated people who wouldn't go that far from routinely warring, killing match ups.

    Also, EE players have had WAY more ways to satiate their play styles than OSW players have. 1 PvP event vs 4 seasons and 3 types of wars. Js
  16. Who said perfect..UR MISSIN the POINT

    U made many points n I can make my own as well. I did not on all your points.
  17. In a way yeah. True to how you look at it too. But as for the build part, that mainly applies to only rostered wars (round/primal), for IW we can't choose the roster, which then again that's where devs have to better improvise IW for those that you mentioned, "more isolated" players.

    Agree with the OSW players having only 1 PvP event part, but most of them usually are much more happening with their own OSW compared to us who war :D Yes 4 seasons and 3 types of war. But still loopholes and flaws everywhere. Which had been mentioned, in hope for slight improvements even if not whole-scale improvements. ;)
  18. I think all of us people who like PvP (whatever the kind) can come together in one thing: way too many EB events
  19. The anti PvP for sure lol

    Also as mentioned earlier there r 3 war types ppl can enter. Offers up a lil somethin for everyone.

    As TROLL said its BFA that ruins Round War.
    Why is that cuz Round war clans either go LB/SH or ALL SH. That discourages all other builds. Those same LB rarely do Primals. N some LB war any war cuz they like it. Primals is build vs build n opens up more ppl to enter if built properly. Rostering takes time n effort.
  20. I think devs have realised that more rewards to entice isn't the answer. Huge rewards became a runaway train with ppl demanding better and better rewards without end, and it's partly due t huge bfe that sh became such a problem in the first place. In S4, many didn't war bc the rewards weren't awesome enough.

    No matter how you incentivise wars, ppl want to win. Bad builds won't make it into clan wars, and they ruin ppl's war experience in indy wars. Any clan taking bad builds will lose badly, and that clan will die.

    The problems here are deep...new lands and buildings discourage ppl from putting together war builds bc they need to stay in tip top eb shape to grow. The devs have thrown so much gold at us that they need new lands to deal with all the wealth.

    Some will blame HTe for all this, but it really started with pw and the rollout of T4: devs turned a wonderful war game into a growth based game, and wars haven't been the same since.