New EXTRA War - Give a chance to war to everyone!

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Olypics, Sep 14, 2014.

  1. First of all, If you haven't done it: Please raise your voice in this thread

    We have collectively provided a decent effort to show that WE (Kiwis, Aussies & Asians) need a time slot to war, just like everyone else do.
    Looking at the latest update (no schedule change - Round war still ON), it goes against any reasonable logic.

    However, until now, only "claims" and "words" were used to express the necessity for a war at the 3am PDT time slot. As a scientist, I believe a rigorous proof/explanation is due. Therefore I compiled a small spreadsheet to:
    1- show the current schedule.
    2- highlight the necessity of a proper time slot for this side of the World.
    3- Show & explain why the previous "Aussie War" trial was a pathetic fail.

    As we always say, a good picture is worth a 1,000 words...


    And now, a 1,000 words... ;)

    In Dark Green is the best time slot for each time zone during Week days. I took 6pm (after work) to 10pm (last reasonable time to start a war when you work/have school the next day).
    In Light Green is the possible time slot during weekend, and for nolife who play all day long. I believe 7am to midnight is a reasonable assumption for the large majority.
    In Light Red is the time when most people are sleeping (or should be... :lol: )

    1- The Current Schedule
    War 1 is only/mainly for Asians since the rest of the World is either sleeping or at work/school...
    Europeans have War 2/3 and Americans have War 4/5 or 5/6 depending on their TZ.
    War 6 is only for Americans on the West Coast and zombies.
    As you can see at a glance, there is at the moment not a single war for Kiwis/Aussies during weekdays, and only 1 for Asians, which brings us to the 2nd point...

    2 - War Zero!
    You don't need 5 years of study to see that the time slot for War 0, highlighted in Red on the graph is a necessity.
    In fact, it is a far better time slot than War 1 because it includes both Asia and Oceania.
    Even the European could participate during their lunch break. Only the Americans are sleeping at this time, which of course explains why there is so much resistance against it...
    Plus, this is the only time slot that would cover 4 time zones!

    3 - The Failed "Aussies Wars"
    The developers excuse for not (re)introducing a proper time slot for our Time Zones is that ""it has already been done and it wasn't successful".
    Well, in fact they did an attempt to cater for the "Aussies". The only issue is that they didn't look on the map where Australia is. :roll:

    This attempt was an epic fail for 2 major reasons:

    1- It was NOT the proper time slot.
    I highlighted in bold the time slot dedicated to "Aussie Wars" on the graph. Guess what? People are still working at 5pm, or at best are commuting to go home... And it's not for the low amount of New-Zealanders that you could expect to have a decent sign in.
    The rest of the World was either sleeping, at work, or preparing for work. All the ingredients combined for an epic fail. But that's not all...

    2- The War system was broken!
    Since the middle of S2, the round wars have been exploited by large LB players and SH abusing a system that catered very well for them.
    "- You are an Hansel? Sorry you can't war with us.
    - You are a Mid? Sorry you can't war with us.
    - You are an Hybrid? Sorry you can't war with us."

    I was living in NZ during S2 and could have done the "Aussie Wars" but... no one wanted a large Hansel (yes, in S2 14M CS was a large Hansel...) in their roster!
    I quickly gave up on wars since it was a struggle to participate, and if ever you got there, you were getting smashed by builds 1/10th of your size...

    But things have changed! Now, we have Indi wars! And to be honest, even if there is some randomness in the process, these are fun wars to participate in, yet not broken...

    So please, PLEASE devs, reconsider your schedule and put this WAR ZERO as an Indi war in the War Schedule.

    Last thing, if you still haven't done it, please raise your voice in this thread
    There is already 100+ people who supported it, and we all know that the forum is only the tip of the iceberg...
  2. Re: World War Z(ero)

    Although this doesn't have any effect on me, it's easy to see the logic for having one war spanning 4 different time zones, and just something to point out, the devs would make this war slot rotate between indi, primal and round wars the same as the rest of em do.

  3. Re: World War Z(ero)

    I think you want better times for Aussies. Support.
  4. Re: World War Z(ero)

    Thanks for the support.
    You probably don't know how our Week End schedule looks like...
    Saturday: 8am Indi :)
    Saturday: 11am Round :?
    Saturday: 2pm Indi :)
    Sunday: 11am Indi :)
    Sunday: 2pm Round :?

    Nobody gives a damn s*** about Round Wars besides a minority (SH and LBs). They have very low turnaround and are here only for $$$ purposes.

    At the moment, we can do 3 wars during the entire Week. Good luck to get 100 medallions. Fairness...

    No Way we get even more crappy ROUND WARS during our ONLY time slot!
  5. Re: World War Z(ero)

    Support. I'm sick of 3am wars
  6. Re: World War Z(ero)

    Devs favour the US thats why there has been no war in that time
  7. Re: World War Z(ero)

    I appreciate that you took the time to put effort into your thread, but the reason why the "Aussie" war failed because most of the Playerbase is from the USA. They would favor Asutralia/Asia if there would be more players from those areas. Unless if there is a massive player influx I doubt they're going to change anything other than having more "failed" wars.
  8. Re: World War Z(ero)

    Support! I've given up on weekday wars entirely. Hope this gets changed.

    (And great thread).
  9. Re: World War Z(ero)

    Good thread but where's Canada
  10. Re: World War Z(ero)

    Why you using my name (~_~)
  11. Re: World War Z(ero)

    I'll give you a hint: Canada is just above USA.
    Please, don't tell anyone...

  12. No Support. Although it would be nice, to be able to participate in Indy Wars back to back. Don't get me wrong it is a good idea. But, the regular Indy Wars, we have now. Will be either short rosters or No Match.

    It would, affect the way Indy Wars are now.

    Yet, if this were to be implemented, which is likely not to. It would be nice, to do back to back Indy Wars.
  13. This is a great thread that clearly illustrates the problem our tz is having. Any person who works has no decent chance of warring. In order to do as many wars as I do I really put sleep second. 2pm until 11pm is a horrible gap in the schedule for us ESPECIALLY on weekends.
    A trial cannot hurt. At very least on weekends, at the right time of day. If it doesn't work, get rid of it and hundreds of ppl can at least say you tried.

  14. As I agree that wars should cater to all(As per having enough people), KaW can't keep changing the schedule every week or so.
  15. Support - the absolute perfect time for Aussies would be between 2-3am PDT. Dinner is done, kids have done there homework etc and it's time to KaW.

    There r way more Aussies playing KaW than u think there are.
  16. Support. War at 7pm Japan time would be great.
  17. If you wanna war so bad then become a zombie