HEY YA'LL! UPDATE DEC 7, 12:23 PM EST: I unfortunately cannot keep up with all these applications im sorry to say. all may join our clan: -Team North America- For the war. and we will decide what our final roster is closer to the war. If we get to the max of 100, we will unfortunately have to kick bottom up to make space for some larger more experienced players to increase our chance of winning. It is what it has to be im sorry. :| Update! Due to season three starting January third, and because of Christmas, the first war will kick off December 14, 3 pm CST. This is co-Leader of Team NORTH AMERICA <---(WHOOP WHOOP!) -DotNet-, speaking for myself AND unknown, our other co-leader. About myself: I started playing kaw back in 2010 sometime. my exact date is not certain as ive had many iPod/iphone since then. This is my main account and i EE war with SOTUW currently, but i have been with poc, sotra, echelons finest, you name it SO DOWN TO BUSINESS: TEAM NORTH AMERICA CLAN HAS NOT BEEN CREATED YET AS OF DEC 6 2013 Requirements: -At least 2 mith, but 8-14 would be nice! -NO Cs REQ. AS OF NOW. MAYBE IN EFFECT IF WE GET FULL -LB WELCOMED! LETS DO IT -Biggest and best builds get priority ONLY IF we fill up to 100. -SOME ENTHUSIASM TO KICK SOME ASS. CURRENT MEMBERS: 1.Redpepper23 2.daboomboompow 3.Slender_man 4.KING_areek 5.leonidas 6.shadowslave 7.deadkaty 8.forumbum 9.YA__IiPIIHiIiEiINIi0iIMIIi__FI 10.Sighmin-Templar-the-Arbiter 11.lawhf 12.-T-O-C- 13.Alex-Ford 14.sparta2qw 15.Cookie_Hunter 16.Fogoa 17.Wingless_Gundam 18.toxiczone 19.Inigo_Montoya 20. 21. 22. 23. OUR GOAL: TO WIN THE WHOLE THING and get 3 free xtals! WALL ME TO MY WALL FOR ENTRY! if u have any suggestions i am open to editing this recruitment thread. THANKS! -Dotmet-
Good luck to the continents of the world. Fighting each other... In a massive civil war, the earth turning upon itself, no allies... It's on. Like Donkey Kong.