Many of you know the "Country wars" myself and a friend hosted a couple years ago, but that was just too tricky to pick what countries people wanted etc. So here I am to present to you, the first annual, Continent War! Now you may be wonder, How on earth will these work Mr xtreme sir Don't worry lad, I'll explain. 6 clans will be created/used. They will be named/ have put on clan page as follows. Team North America Team South America Team Africa Team Europe Team Asia Team Australia (Antarctica, although it may be a continent is not being used as it is not permanently inhabited by any persons) If you are interested in running a team, here's what you'll need. -6m combined stats. -Minimum of 50 members active in war. -Must restrict mithril use amongst your team -You are allowed exact one team thread :twisted: For players participating in these wars here are the rules. Wars will be skirmishes. Wars are in exactly two weeks to the date of this post. There will be no stripping No xtal limit (other then what is regulated by the system) Maximum of 14 mithril per war. Minimum combined stats will be decided by team leaders. Round one Asia vs. South America Australia vs. North America Europe vs. Africa I will be leading Team Europe If you are interested in joining, I will be making a thread specifically at a later date. Good luck to all, thanks for participating, and may the odds be ever in your favor. Go Team Europe! xTrEmE
Unknown -DotNet- Redpepper23 daboomboompow Slender_man KING_areek leonidas shadowslave deadkaty forumbum Sighmin-Templar-the-Arbiter lawhf -T-O-C- Alex-Ford sparta2qw Fogoa Wingless_Gundam toxiczone Inigo_Montoya Since their recruitment thread practically sucks I cannot update the Official list. Fruity_Cats IIllIlll_xXWarWolfXx_llIIIllI BinaryBullet Computern3rd JUGGERNAUT298 YG_YAHWEH_YG Mrs_Mines TAN_ZEMIAH_GRA Cookie_Hunter lllIlII-justin_is_dank-IIllIlI -Narwhal FlameCougar Shadowstrike12 _SFA_--_Jengar_TheMightyGod_ The-Destroyer-of-Evil Richard- _washcaps_ KillerChipmunk llll_SoFakingBLACKPsycho_llll X-D Tooth_Fang_Claw -LuRkErJuNiOr- Rendr skrtel37 Dark_Shadows ImKwencyDolla lll_DARKKNIGHT_lll _MeGa_ZoRk_ IlIlII_XTREME_llIlII Nmoos Z IIIll__BLACKCELEBINATOR__IIlll xx-daTomoT-xx zFearless Clumsy_reaper Tom_1998_ME Miss_FarrokhBulsara REBORN_Huckabone101 REBORN_SirButtkiss Informer llO0ol_l-SwitchBlade-l_lo0Oll KinkyKandi fazzle1993 Colbolt P1tbull DevilMayGrowl Five-Rings _Demon_Of_Death_ TheHighHelper killzone -Sabotager- Player07211302 Spyro-the-purple-dragon seanwazere mahmood iThundeRx llW-A-Rll-lll_J_lll-llW-i-Gll _Waylander- IlIHIlIAIlIWllIKIlISIlI IIIllI--shelkedwarrior--IIIlll Disc-_-Jockey I_Carolus-Rex_Xiii_dd Warlord_Hunter -LuRkErJuNiOr- lllIlIllHlIlEIlINlllKIIlIIllI X_Fen_X ben5555 Rasher l8er-Suckers Os-lxIxl_N4UgHtY_Dr4GgY_lxIxI Slayerbob IMMORTAL-GUARDIAN XoX-_-Princess-Sapphire-_-XoX FluffyPredator Shantiq Avatar camcamtheasian1 K9_Sir_Matthew Lethal_Burn Dragonite B-B-Q deablade SOH_AdmiralAlCapone_SOH ImmortalFaze P-N-o-Y-LEO197726-HOP phi_ng1114 Serpent Proditer Crowfather llIlllIIllIl-AoC-llIlIIlIllIll Caribou YA__IiPIIHiIiEiINIi0iIMIIi__FI IIlPOTIIIUPlllSONlII Jester Camcamtheasian1 Joker DE_ScreamKill_DE TFE_Wizened_TFE lll_Coffeemaker_lll MissMelon -Deadly- Sasuke_Uchiha Hinaru Eagle IlllNDONESIAllll-llllWARRIORllll TheDuke414 2631 LOLZZ45 iKoizumi llXll_Lady_Larken_llXll Rack1997 Phonn MIA_LIcious Poseidon AvatarRoku Quoth_the_eevee_--nevermore-- Khannji________________ Sharaabi Darmen_JR P-n-o-y-BBoystatic llllllll-Versa-lllllllll LoS-Darksoul-WP Panda X-GreatEmperor-X DRAGON lii_xxxicexxx_ili Bryan9848 llllSllllEllllAllllLllllsllll ScorpionE Makaveli Lastthought BlurredWarrior mewuzhere ArRoN_29 Aussie-ShadowMingler KingdomsAtWarPrince icypole291 --beaker-- WhiteWolfAssassin SchuIsTheWord Red-St0rm AS_TANIWHA_AS AJ-R YA-_Eagle_-FI KaWidow -SexyHeLlion- xXllx____Mrs-_-MuRd3r___xXIIx JETJEF-DFA caRoTjuicE lIl--The--Outlaw--Torn--lIl
Perhaps a mistake was made even mentioning Antarctica, because you KNOW now someone's going to form that team and mess it up...