Should Xstals be available for Game Gold?

Discussion in 'Wars' started by ShelbyS, Feb 12, 2013.

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  1. Hello all, thanks for stopping to read this thread - I've thought about this idea for a while. I realize #1) we are playing a free game that devs put a bunch of time/effort into (yes all we do is complain at times - but I think we're all glad for kaw - even w it's issues at times) #2) that devs make money off of things we purchase (i.e. xstals, nobs for propacks, etc).

    I will start off saying that the thing that finally pushed me to actually starting this thread and getting thoughts from everyone is the new "more xstals allowed for smaller number of ewar clan thread." I think we're all aware of the necessity of xstals in ewars. They are a game changer. If you expect to continually win ewars - xstals are a must. So, now I hear a bunch of criticism of devs just trying to make money by allowing more xstals used during ewars. Here's my solution - let me know if you support or have a better one: allow players to purchase xstals for game gold

    Yes, it seems contrary to the devs way of thinking b/c they make money of xstals - but hear me out: I do like the idea of more xstal usage option for the outnumbered clan. Hopefully that will help balance things out. I do also understand what people are annoyed w seeing that this might only bring you more revenue. So, I purpose a solution: sell xstals for game $$. Obviously, on the surface it seems to be a bad idea - but hear me out. #1) some people refuse to spend any money on a game (I understand that - but I'm not there...check the #2) xstals are absolutely vital to good ewars - they are in reality a game changer #3) you have w these two things now created a dilemma in kaw (especially after cutting off getting mith through system wars).

    I think you should sell xstals for like 15-25 bill a piece (or perhaps based on a persons cs like mith price).

    I'm just you're average, run of the mill player trying to find solutions to new problems because of ewars and now "no mith" in system wars. Thanks for listening - do you support? have a better idea?
  2. first - is this something I'm supposed to do? lol ;)
  3. Devs would never make this...

    Speaking of xtals tho, I think aqua should b able to b bought with mith, not xtals
  4. Aqua being purchasable with mith might makes sense tbh...
  5. good thread, thankfully no spelling mistakes, but the devs would lose out on too much revenue and they would never agree to it if you really want to give it a try email the devs
  6. I believe the dev's should think really hard on making crystal availability,they should make the crystals available just like the mythrill, people should have option to purchase a set amount of crystals daily. Being that some people cant afford to spend 'RL' money they should b able to spend huge amounts of gold for the purchasing of the crystal. :shock:
  7. Price for xstal would have to start at $100b.
  8. I wish it would happen...

    But it won't.
  9. I really don't think they will do this but good try
  10. You should be able to exchange 3 inferno for 1 aqua, js.
  11. No support
  12. 20 bill, support
  13. Actually, if ya think about it...

    People will buy nobs to get free gold to get "free" xstals...

  14. @vas then wouldnt it make MORE sense to just buy the xtals?
  15. If Devs dont allow you to buy them using real life money than no

  16. That's why I started this thread - to get the idea out there. I think the devs can do this for a few reasons: #1) people can't purchase large amounts of xstals (if limited amount) - plus it isn't worth it if the price is so high (15-25 bill is starter at least). #2) if people start to buy xstals and use them - they get hooked...plain and simple ;) (eventually they get in a situation where they don't have the game gold to buy - but understand the usefulness. Thus, purchase w real $$)
  17. Support!!! There are too many players that are missing out on these wars because they cannot purchase xtals.
  18. i Think the sale of Aqua's should be made for Crystals ONLY , therefore its still luck and Effort . I.E it cost 5 Crystals for 1 Aqua, as it should be (1 Aqua = 5 crystals) but this would be ridiculous , therefor my idea would be , the availability of selling 1x Aqua for 1 Crystal Aquas Are not brought cheaply or found without Effort and the Mods still have the power 0f turning Aqua on , off
  19. That's part of my point - lots of players in kaw have stopped ewars cause they can't xstal (an almost necessity in these wars)
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