LR vs IG/BH Strip Catalogue

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, Jan 15, 2013.

  1. Hello all. Welcome to the LR vs BH/IG strip catalogue. Due to the tremendous number of strips in this war. (I estimate 20+ strips a day by both sides) I made this catalogue. Of course some (lots) of strips will be missed. Please accept its imperfection.

    What the catalogue shows.

    It shows the player, clan, attempted strip, and if available the amount the stripping clan claims it got. Of course the victims may claim less, and in certain cases they may be right. If you dispute your particular strip claim, please post it below. Mind you though, unless the stripper admits an error, the amount they claim stays. Hope you enjoy.
  2. LR/Regs/ALPHA/7DS and Company
    Os-strawberryjames (ig/Osiris) 1.85T (took 1.6T) (James claims only 841)
    BaldersBalle(Wit) 2.2 T (at least 2.1T took)
    Tatsugin (Wit) 4.2 (at least 4T took)
    Nikki412 (BH)1.2T
    Wardog217 (-wit-)1.25T (350B taken)
    Griever369 (iG) 1.721T (1.5Taken)
    TB-Snicker_Man-TB (Wit) 1.066T
    Evilucard (iG) 1.78T
    Mastodon (War Honour) 120b – (80B took)
    XxX_HiMyNameIsJen_XxX (wig) 31 bil
    Lady_liz (wig) 40B
    otkillah (wig) 350 B
    Imrahir (wig) 410B
    Eckscalibar (Foxes) 100B
    1Ate7 (iG) 220B Attempt (failed strip only got 20B)
    Direwolff (War Honor) 60B
    Liizamlii (iG) 686B
    Angryman (iG) 822B (took 230B)
    Blackjoe (WiG) 685B
    xJunnN (Wig) 500B (422taken)
    Illillimad_liilii_dog (wig) 230B
    Danaaspin (Foxes) 15 B
    -ss-PurpleDrank420-ss (wit) 140B
    Radarchef (wig) 233B
    illlNllOlllMllillNlliliG (iG) 50B
    gavlaaar (WiT) 342B
    xiell_easykeysy_iirix (Wit) 89B
    -ss-DCB26-ss (-wit-) 170B
    cherry (foxes) 175B (160B taken)
    BlueKiller (BH) 496B
    Chopper07 (BH) 550B
    -Decrepitude- (Foxes) 50B
    1ATE7 (iG) 4 accounts reset
    Jezza_of_oz (ig systems) 165 bil
    Medicguy (ig systems) 30 bil
    Lopaidon (wig) 170 bil
    TheStrikingViking (wig) 150 bil
    Diablo (BH) 60 bil
    Jezza_of_oz (ig systems) 80 bil
    Imrahir (wig) 150 bil
    LadyFTW (ig systems) 90 bil
    Ogasm (wit) 25 bil
    TB-marina-tb (wit) 150 bil
    Igrapenoobs (wig) 30 bil
    Teesabell (wit) 100 bil
    Luccus (gve) 30 bil fail
    COLBOLT (ig systems) 90 bil
    Vermi (wig) 190 bil
    Unstoppable (wig) 70 bil
    Dixiedewire (wig) 65 bil
    Hanma (wig) 120 bil fail Papalo (WAR) 90b
    -WillytheDeuce- 18B (foxes) Another ColtonAllen (Dawn of the Foxes) 50B
    NathanTK (Foxes) 25B Jurzazellelia (TFK) 2.5T
    -serendipity- ( -WIT-) 137b (Saved 75B) iizammiii (iG #45) 125b (saved 9B)
    sutton3 (Outlawz #38)95b Kittyvonteese (Outlawz Academy)100b
    Zfearless (GnE)105b.
    Splinter (TFK) 50B Ramon (TFK) 880B
    TB-Vasi-TB (Wit) 620B Mortus ( wig) 934B
    Zobi-la-muche (TFK) 2.4 T
    CamoPoopllllllllllllllllllll (War) 4.6T (4.2T taken)
    Double-Edged (-WiG) 24b -> 13b ally hired (11b take) -Serendipity- (WIT) 80b strip
    king_of_terror (-wig-) 100b
    Lolatu -(IG) 1.05t strip. (921B taken)
    January 29th,2013
    Ebalet (tfk) 400b First_born (WAR) 142b out
    Vladamir (-WiG-) 30b NoClue (-WiT) 22b
    Lizard (-WiT-) 17b FALCONREACH-ALT (-WIT- #78) Stripped 8b
    archdante (Former WiT - clanless now) 33b Ililnlllciiloiiimiiiillinlilg (former iG - clanless now) 23b
    IIxxxILady__LillyIxxxll (Wolf Club) caught funding. 54b + detonated a 21b reset bomb = 75b
    os-porker-er-er-er RESET
  3. BH/iG/WAR and company strips
    Bellemorte(LR) 2.4 T (1.9T took) (Bellemorte claims no more than 600B)
    Bellemorte(LR) 50B ally bomb
    sanman272 (ALPHA) 2.7T (took 2.4T)
    Wulf (Regs)2.1 T (at least 500B took)
    Stoirin(7DS) 1.07T attempt
    Alpha_SOAHC stripped 1.1t (took 500B)
    Whowhoareyou (DoA) 320B attempt
    Bacon (7DS) 80B attempt.
    Captain Titanic (7DS) 1.4 T
    Punchandpie (Reg) 321B
    Punch and pie strip was 321b

    gravity sux (regs Inc.) 300B
    uholla (regs Inc.)100B
    Jamestrock(regs Inc.) 100B (85 taken)
    Electrono (regs Inc.)50B
    Scharetjuh (regs Inc.)150B
    i_i (regs Inc.) 60B
    virgil2233 (ALPHA) 45B
    xXx____X_____TNT_____X____xXx (Regs Inc.) 24B (took 10)
    lIlII__BLACKFANDO__IIIll (7DS) 450B
    evildreamz (dr) 386b & 81b
    leopredoomgang (dr) 500b
    ,genisesnova (dr) 175b,
    canadianator (nqs) 25b,
    harvo12 (doa) 200b,
    narcciss (dr) 40b
    metal storm (RR) 800b,
    amsaxby (tqr) 50b,
    midevil 200b,
    wonderwomen (ra) 600b,
    bacon (7L7) 65b,
    jamesst (RI) 200b,
    zbombastic (.ALPHA.) 85b,
    bons 147b,
    wonderwomen (RA) 150b,
    quixotica 120b,
    bacon (7l7) 200b
    kenata (RA) 53b,
    danbo (RA) 56b,
    fire (ra) 41b,
    quixotica 47b,
    magic (RA) 35b,
    king james 27b,
    spongebob 40b,
    dfwm 780b,
    teehaf 160b,
    whoareyou (doa) 320
    scharretjuh (ri) 144b
    swapdonkey ? 110b,
    bruhbruh 57b,
    epicking 540b,
    smoothsilk (dr) 110b,
    glenn (lr) 90b,
    rissababy (lr) 100b,
    rowdy (7w7) 132b,
    uholla (RI) 125b,
    kinky (regs) 250b,
    black (nqs) 40b
    LR_deathicearcher_LR (LR) 70B (took 20)
  4. You like attention... Don't you :/

  5. Not really. Many people ask about strips. It maybe easier to look here than on the main thread.
  6. I'm famous enough to be quoted :)
  7. Oh boy. I was hoping for a totally unique thread on this war.

    Then I saw Phil was posting and I realized he could have added this in the 17 reserved spots in his 44 other threads on this topic and decided it wasn't worth reading.

    /don care

    Although in retrospect at least it's KaW related and not total drivel like the rest of forums.

    1 point for Phil -3 for being Phil, -1 repost.
  8. Why don't you just make a wiki and link it through forums?
  9. @ Swabia and all

    It was getting very long to do these strips, and the original forum was just getting too long. Plus, there are about 15 or so new entries here. It's a catalogue. Use it as a reference.

  10. Why don't I? Not that computer savvy.

  11. Of course you are! YOu are famous enough to be quoted twice!
  12. Phil. For the love of god. I sent ss during both of my failed strip attempts and posted them to forums. 3.3 tril was attempted. 600 bil taken. We had established this you lying twerp.
  13. 3.2*

    2.3 the first time. Showed ss of what I had left 15 min after the strip occurred.

    The second was 900 bil where I showed ss of the allies being bought and posted directly after.

    Try try try to hold back your incessant bias

  14. I know that belle. However iG does not believe those ss to be true. Please take it up with iG council. They insist you lost more than that. As stated in the thread, I am going to list the claims. i will highlight it, for you however.
  15. Once again, belle, I am not trying to be as biased as you say I am. iG council plain out doesn't believe you. I will edit it, but it is very hard to please everyone about this. Please try to understand I am between a rock and and a hard place.
  16. Now..... Add these please. These were prior to allies joining.
    Jezza_of_oz (ig systems) 165 bil
    Medicguy (ig systems) 30 bil
    Lopaidon (wig) 170 bil
    TheStrikingViking (wig) 150 bil
    Diablo (noob hand) 60 bil <~~ obvious reset bombs
    Jezza_of_oz (ig systems) 80 bil
    Imrahir (wig) 150 bil
    LadyFTW (ig systems) 90 bil (pure with allies)
    Ogasm (wit) 25 bil
    TB-marina-tb (wit) 150 bil
    Igrapenoobs (wig) 30 bil (pure with allies)
    Teesabell (wit) 100 bil
    Luccus (gve) 30 bil fail
    COLBOLT (ig systems) 90 bil
    Vermi (wig) 190 bil
    Unstoppable (wig) 70 bil
    Dixiedewire (wig) 65 bil
    Hanma (wig) 120 bil fail

    Anything that does not say fail was open for several hours at least.
  17. Well, Phil, ss don't exactly lie with the time stamps on them and the short time I was open, plus the fact that their numbers have continuously changed throughout these threads on how much was attempted.

    Perhaps if you removed your head from out of Brood's ass for more than 5 minutes, you could see that and report based upon evidence rather than conjecture :)
  18. Boooo i'm not famous enough to make it on the list!