Dear: Haters *pssssst crack, glug glug* Gather round, grab an adult beverage or soda, we have a story to tell. Firstly LSA has never disbanded, ever. So please stop saying we're a dead clan. Now that you know that bit of information, we can continue. We're not a group of people that can be bullied, intimidated, pushed around or reasoned with. We will never give "An apology" for something YOU were stupid enough to do in the first place. Lets get this story straight because the lack of education in W.A.R and the lack of leadership and discipline is astounding. They are the kind of people to shoot first ask questions later. Because I have had way to many people fallow me and ask why they are doing this... (honestly who dose that?) This all started about 3 weeks ago, when a player named meee123. Insulted, harassed, and was completely rude to LSA members. So needless to say FearLSA stripped farmed him and was unrelenting to the end. Of course meee123 bit off more then he could chew, and started asking for help. So he got his friend porterkillian27 to come to his aid. Porterkillian27 was stripped farmed by OCDread (soon to be known as DreadLSA) and FearLSA. FearLSA didn't ask for help. Because, well let's face it. A real man takes the consequences for his auctions. But porterkillian27 was too much of an idiot and decided to trash talk OCDread. So once porterkillian27 finally couldn't take the heat any more. He had to call upon his friend Quagy. (Quagy a member of A.o.A and long hated enemy of LSA. For harassing, being rude and insulting LSA members. Starting to see a pattern yet? ) *edit: And as FearLSA pointed out racial comments towards me aswell. Quagy decided to get involved. FearLSA and OCDread both told her. "Stay out of this it is an LSA matter." You would think that this would of been enough warning to her to get uninvolved. Quick fast and in a hurry. But no Quagy being the thick headed person she is decided to stick a fork in a electrical outlet again to see what would happen. 2 hours later a (so I have been told by the wonderful JLAW) 40billion strip happend. By myself FearLSA, OCDread And Stay_in_Trouble. (stay_in_trouble was just looking for a fight that day. And is in no way affiliated with LSA.) So then what happen?: JLAW, FearLSA And I had talks about a cease fire against Quagy. For the most part things didn't go over well. But a concussion was made. Quagy was to continue to stay out of LSA matters and an apology for getting involved. Okay then what?: Well then of course because Quagy can't grow a set and look after herself. She got all of W.A.R and their subclans after LSA. And at 10:30pm est on June 3rd LSA found themselves naked as the day they joined KaW. (ps we like being naked ) And have been continuing to attack us, harass us on their walls and all that fun jazz that goes along with inbreeding (Sorry tmz1981 for your misfortune.) Why is _ME involved?: Because they are protecting and harbouring meee123 and porterkillian27. Even if we're naked and being constantly pinned, we still know how to OSW like champs! What we going to do about W.A.R and their subclans? : Don't know just yet but we'll get around to them another day. Until then we're not going to argue with idiots because they'll drag us down to their level and beat us with experience. We won't give up, We won't back down. Persistence is a ..... CF List: _ME: First runner - Combat18__ME jonkodiak W.A.R: M.R.G: A.o.A: LSA cannot be reasoned with... They are not looking for anything LOGICAL, like money... They cannot be bought, bullied or negotiated with... LSA just wants to watch the world BURN. PS: Screen shots are available if Quagy want's to delete her wall post.
Amen to that one. And like he said, real men take blame for actions instead of running with their tales between their legs to someone that is bigger
BloodForLSA had it changed. P.S you left something out. The racist comments Quagy made in LSA towards you because your black. Don't forget that important pice of information.
AoA and MRG have nothing to do with _ME issue and everything to do with our member being stripped of 40B. Show of hands, how many clans would let their member be stripped and not take action?
Blood, that was really difficult to read my dear, glad u changed colors. Of course you have your facts wrong. I contacted u over a minor strip on our clan mate quagy. I was kind enough to give u the opportunity for both sides to cease all hits. You then got silly and asked for an apology from my clan mate when you were the ones farming her for hurting your feelings. I told u at least 3 times that an apology was not acceptable to me and I would not pass on the request. I then left your room and requested we not hit unless u all hit quagy. After that point u all stripped 40b off her. I told u it would not be pretty. It was a big mistake on your part as I told you It would be. Now u are mostly naked and indicating u essentially are going to quit hitting, but u aren't negotiating a ceasefire with us. I will hand it to you, that is one of the more interesting war tactics I have ever seen.