HoL vs LWF Osw Thread (May 2013)

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, May 24, 2013.

  1. once a upon a time not too many moons ago in a thread called "Warlor is being held hostage" a certain pooftagonist was clearly blowing himself claiming - if you run from YAFI you better ask around and learn who I am quicklookup any thread talking about the most dangerous players in kaw bla bla I'm sure you find me there well I guess he's not so schmuck now ooooo... Not sure where the idea of 46 and YAFI going to osw blah blah  suddenly jayde and I don't care anymore if we get stripped  EPIC LOSER  HASN'T WON ANY DECENT OSW AND THE FUTURE LOOKS BLEAK WITH THIS ONETHE FORCE HAS DESERTED HIM
  2. That the best you can do yoongy?

    Come on, you're losing your luster
  3. I hereby dub this thread "the KaWter Gate Scandel" lmao.
  4. Everyone is still waiting for iProphet to post his information on which Yafian sold his/her banks :lol:

    But the best he can do is to post unrelated information about what his pathetic life is about, something no one here really cares :lol:

    We know you tried your best bro ;)
  5. 
  6. Thread must be getting fun if Locksley is posting :)
  7. I can't believe I just spent ten minutes reading he said she said. what happened to the war threadIs LWF still going at it with Hol?
  8. War reports may continue after the others finish comparing their manhood on a tap tap game
  9. Apple. I don't need to proof anything mate. Unlike you, Wulf is a man of integrity and already said in this very thread that yafi did in fact sell them banks. Of course he half assed the post to play it down a much as possible.

    But we already know what you'll do. Regardless of what I say you spew typical yafian bs saying something like yeah its retire player hahaha. Insert random emoji.

    Look at 46 roster, You might recognize an account or two.

    And boy what a hypocrite you are. Just keep proving my points for me.

    How long did you avoid my question about selling the accounts? And now you wanna say I'm avoiding lol!!!!!!

    Wulf's post has thrown any creditability yafi has right out the window.

    And if it's not enough for you, I'm sure I can have him go into More details on how it all went down.

    He might even go into yafi watching regs roster for them to help catch strips iG and company tried to pull on them....which I'm sure yafi didn't do right? Lol
  10. War has ended in mutual CF
  11. Well iProphet, so it has went from saying
    "Wulf admitting to buying the banks."
    down to
    "Wulf half assed his post to play it down as much as possible"

    Aren't you a master at words twisting, having displayed such great skill repeatedly? :lol:

    About me avoiding your question on whether we sold our banks? I have replied you very early, stating categorically that no yafi banks was sold. I have also stated very clearly that whatever members who left yafi do with their accounts and banks is not our concern. In fact, I have posted if controlling members who left your clan is what you guys do. No replies on that ;)

    Wulf post has also clearly stated he was told there were YAFI or ex-YAFI's banks. It is stated as an information from third party because he was told the information; it is not first hand information.

    Sure, you can have him go into more details on how he sourced his information.

    Following that, I challenge you to list down which member sold his/her bank. Till now, after a few more posts from you, including one about how you live your pathetic life, you are still avoiding the question.

    Really, you remind me of those kids who have the "I know something you don't know, but I don't want to tell you" kind of behaviour :lol:

    Yeah, we all know what you will do after this. Spew out another long forum post without answering exactly who sold the bank. Pointing fingers is easy, proving it requires more intelligence, something you appear to be lacking ;)

    Anyway, I don't expect much from you, because you don't have any credibility at all. :lol:
  12. How you make an intelligent argument^

  13. LMFAO...you talk real tough with someone that has less than half the steal wins as they do losses.

    Wulf's post was done to control as much damage as needed so I don't post SS of him. Don't believe...why don't you ask him.

    And come on mate, you know yafi banks better than I do right? You should be able to look at 46 roster and see two of those banks there. You shouldn't have to ask who sold them if you know them so well.
  14.  Appleseeds for the typed KO! Down goes iprophet!
  15. How about this one...MLK3_TYS0N?

    that ring a bell? :lol: :lol: :lol:
  16. Yep, that was DG's bank.

    I thought you say those weren't DG's banks? :lol:
    Get your information right bro ;)

  17. Are you sure....Didn't i say you would say this no matter what? lol

    DG sure is notti running around with 15 pc only alts that he can sell to LR and Regs...

    wonder how many other yafians have this many pc alts. Let me guess, only DG huh. Yeah I'm sure.
  18. I mean, there are information saying you have 11 PC alts too. Aren't you notti running around with so many alts? Let me guess, you will deny this? Yeah, I'm sure. Definitely you will :lol:

    Aren't you the one who said you have lots of information, and aren't you the one who claimed the banks were not DG's?
    Sure, you are so self contradictory :lol:
  19. You two should get a room and get the foreplay finished
  20. LMFAO...wheres your proof that is DG's alt?...You're the one that said they were DG alts mate, not me....15 alts sold...all pc only....yeah you drew that...let me guess you have none we just have to take your word for it.

    Sure i have 11 pc alts...they are also on devices as well so they are all legit i promise...unlike yafi, Devs don't fund me...they hate me and I assure you if i did anything against tou I'd be banned in a second...

    So yeah...keep on spewing your bs mate, I'm sure all the yafian fanboys eat it up...but me I know better...and soon they all will too :lol:

    And what about Yafi being on strip watch for Regs...you never addressed that either. Not that you need to I'm sure it will go something like....It was retired yafi and we don't have control over them....that damn DG

    I'll tell ya what...When you up those steals to 15k, which still won't give you a 1:2 win to loss ratio, I'll start taking you more serious...Eb warriors have more steal than you...and you're suppose to be this scary stripper lmao....get real dude
