Catechism Wars: Week 12 Results

Discussion in 'Wars' started by UnicornPoopCookie, Aug 27, 2013.

  1. It's been awhile since I've dropped any cookies on the forums. So here's a very long post, filled with numbers!

    Catechism Week 12 War Results!

    These are the results for each of the 6 rounds with a summary at the end. By my reckoning, a total of 69 clans participated in the EE test wars during week 12. There were some very close, nail-biting wars as well as the blowouts. The last column in these tables shows the percentage difference (i.e. how much the winner won by).

    On with the show:

    Week 12 War 1


    Week 12 War 2


    Week 12 War 3


    Week 12 War 4


    Week 12 War 5


    Week 12 War 6


    Week 12 TOTALS

    The following is the total wins and losses. I've also included a somewhat arbitrary point scheme, where each win is worth 2 points and each loss worth 1 point. Why do losers get points? Because they bothered to show up! No Matches are included because they made the attempt and the worst they could have done was 1 point to them.



    Another way to look at the data is to more directly show who was matched with who and how good of a matchup it was. Does one clan always get matched with the same other clan? Is it a close matchup? Is one clan always on the losing side? The following, lengthy table, shows this. Green highlight indicates the winning clan, orange the losing clan. Also, I again used my own arbitrary scheme to indicate how close the match was in the right column.

    <25% = GREEN - could've gone either way
    >25% <50% = YELLOW - maybe inactive players or inexperience or bad match
    >50% <75% = ORANGE - you kinda know at the outset how this war is going to go
    >75% = RED - Bad match or Clan didn't bring their A-game



    There were a total of 104 wars. About 25% of these were within 25% of each other....these are wars I consider to be very close and could have gone either way. The closest war was between PERKUTUT ARMY and Towers of Fail during War 2. Only 98.k separated the winner from the loser with both sides having amassed over 50 mil. That's a single hit! I can only imagine the tension in both clan chat rooms that day.

    Anyway, GRATZ to all the winners and BEST OF LUCK to everyone during Week 13!!!

  2. This is awesome. Now we can see just how bad Devs matched us. You are awesome!
    Simple and easy to read!
  3. nice work! You sure you're not canadian?
  4. also, Its nice to see what clans are the best at what they do. You really get to see who is hot and who is not.

    I'd love to see, starting with next season, a running total of the clans through out the season, kind of like a clan LB for this.
  5. I have a Unicorn accent, thank you very much. It's a little more refined than the guttural, bellowing mooses ... meeses? of Canada! Though they make great pals.
  6. What happen if the amateurs got bad matches moose ;(
  7. This is great
  9. I believe the devs take total plunder (clan 1 + clan 2) and then use the difference in plunder divided by that total to come to their %'s.

    I could be wrong, but that is likely the DEV way (to not be real simple).
  10. This is awesome and love the layout. It would be nice to see all the cs differences between clans also but that maybe an impossible act. Thanks for the awesome detail and time this may have taken.

  11. Lots of effort put into this... For great results! Well done OP.
  12. This is great! Thank you op!

    Btw...what are Wilders doing? Have I missed something?
  13. I love this! Not like - LOVE! Now I can use my notebooks for ally trading again. Bwa ha ha.
  14. Nice post! Gives us a better view of the wars than the graphs from devs..

    Keep up the good work Unicorn!

    - elite
  15. Great job. Nice to have an overview of the plunder difference. Thanks
  16. Very sweet of you to make this effort, thank you
  17. Very nice thread unicorn. Well done