🐍 The Serpent's Heart 🧟

Discussion in 'Events' started by ATA-Jace, May 1, 2024.

  1. [​IMG]

    The Serpent's Heart

    Caer Sidh calls for aid! Their kingdom in the Highlands has been attacked by a massive skeletal army seeking an ancient artifact! The fate of the kingdom lies in the hands of their new allies...

    Can you save the kingdom before it is lost to the undead horde?

    This event consists of a primary Legend and an extra Legend available immediately, as well as a set of three side-Legends that will unlock the day after with 2000 collection items. These side-Legends will offer players a choice of Easy, Medium, or Hard. The rewards increase with each difficulty level, but so does the challenge. Players WILL be able to complete each level once the previous choice has been completed. Regularly scheduled competitions will also run for the duration of the event.

    This event will be available from Wednesday, May 1st until Wednesday, May 15th, 2024 at noon PT.

    New Upgradeable Avatar


    Scouts have reclaimed an artifact of the undead army, a tome that looks to yield immense power to those who can power it up.

    Starting with The Serpent's Heart player will have access to a quest to earn the Soul Siphoning Tome, as well as daily quests to earn Soul Siphoning Chests which contain Crystal Cultist Skulls to upgrade the Tome.

    Additional Soul Siphoning Chests and Royal Soul Siphoning Chests will be available as competition top placement rewards and Epic Battles will have a chance to drop Royal Soul Siphoning Chests.

    Currently players will be able to upgrade the Soul Siphoning Tome up to 4 times, with further upgrades available in following events.
    Who knows where this newfound power will take you.


    For the duration of The Serpent's Heart, there will be a PVE and PVP competition running.

    The first PVE Competition instance starts at 1:00pm Pacific Time, and the first PVP Competition starts at 5:00pm Pacific Time.

    Each instance will last 4 hours and as soon as one competition instance ends, another will begin.

    For this round, the use of Horn of Calydor, Aevum Circle Pieces, Seal of the Damned, and Ravenbone Windchime to score towards the EB competition will not be tracked.

    🍎 iOS Updates!

    A new update is available for iOS players that addresses a number of the issues that arose with iOS 17.

    Click here to update

    The issues that are resolved with this update are:
    • Rating Prompt Pop Up - The Rating prompt would reset every time you re-opened the app.
    • World Chat Pop-Up - The World Chat prompt would reset every time you re-opened the app.
    • Quest Badges Not Clearing - A few of the Red Quest Badge numbers would reset every time you re-opened the app.
    We realize there are a few other changes that happened with the iOS17 update that we are still working to address and appreciate your patience! ❤️

    Exclusive Furnishings

    Furnishings exclusive to The Serpent's Heart will be available in the Furnishings Shop, Usurper Cult Chest, and Royal Usurper Cult Chest.

    [​IMG] [​IMG]


    🏹INCOMING!🏹 Watch out there are . . . NEW DEALS!🎁

    During The Serpent's Heart, the Royal Bundles available to purchase in the Marketplace for each event will also be purchasable as a single large bundle in our web store!

    Check out the web store for new deals appearing weekly!

    #1 ATA-Jace, May 1, 2024
    Last edited: May 1, 2024
    [ATA]Queens likes this.
  2. Just a shame your update has not fixed any of the issues you said it addressed 🥴
  3. “Collect rewards from a competition tier” is broken.
    coulson5713 likes this.
  4. Yup
  5. same here
  6. "Assmemble" a fix for your holey cheese game.
  7. Given this is another rinse and repeat event ad infinitum, how is it remoty possible thatsomeof the reward counters do not work?!!
  8. 20 actions on any epic battle.... I full bar unloaded and had 0 actions count.
    Cham and Bert like this.
  9. I did fb too dev lol glitch
  10. A least this new event is consistent .
    Consistently unavailable to play
    GB-Game_Unhinged-GB likes this.
  11. Why did the progress have to reset fo fix it?
  12. Because Apes 🤷🏼‍♂️
  13. Doing right by adding clan wars into ee rotation, now just add special rewards like you used to with season clan wars, banner and special equipment😃
  14. Why was I not having these problems until after the update?
  15. Stop adding these never ending EXTRA “Task” Task” “Task” on event….we can’t baby sit on KaW all the time, it really gets bored! Please release new Epic Battle to tap on instead.